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IPE Faculty Development Learning Activity: Interprofessional Pictionary

IPE Faculty Development Learning Activity: Interprofessional Pictionary

National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education's picture
Submitted by National Center... on Jan 6, 2015 - 3:13pm CST

Interprofessional Pictionary was developed by Debbie Kwan from the University of Toronto, Faculty of Pharmacy in 2007 then edited and adapted by the University of Washington Macy Grant Team to teach the IPE competency domain “Roles and Responsibilities.” 

Learning goals:

• Understand how professional roles and responsibilities complement each other

• Identify health profession based on training requirements, usual practice setting and scope of practice

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IPE Faculty Development: Error Disclosure Training Curriculum

IPE Faculty Development: Error Disclosure Training Curriculum

National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education's picture
Submitted by National Center... on Jan 6, 2015 - 3:08pm CST

The purposes of this online Error Disclosure faculty toolkit are: 

  1. To be an aid for helping faculty and instructors learn how to teach health professional students the fundamental process for disclosing errors to patients.
  2. To provide a packaged interprofessional team training session using error disclosure simulation/role-play as the vector by which health professional students can learn together to develop and improve team and communication skills.

The toolkit contains: 

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Middle Cerebral Artery CVA Speech Language Path

Middle Cerebral Artery CVA Speech Language Path

California Interprofessional Education Research Academy (CA- IPERA)'s picture
Submitted by California Inte... on Nov 6, 2014 - 1:27pm CST

Nursing and Speech IPEC  simulation scenario published on the California Simulation Alliance (CSA) online library of peer reviewed, validated and tested simulation scenarios.  This simulation was submitted in June 2014, and  accepted for publication in August 2014.


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Interprofessional Care: an Introductory Session on the Roles of Health Professionals

Interprofessional Care: an Introductory Session on the Roles of Health Professionals

Desiree Lie's picture
Submitted by Desiree Lie on Jul 24, 2014 - 5:26pm CDT

This is a script with video and powerpoint slides for a 2-hour introductory IPE session for junior or entering health professions students. The curriculum addresses role recognition and team-based care. The materials are organized into course director, faculty and student scripts, and is a step-by-step guide to implementation in an educaitonal setting using group facilitation. A faculty training guide is included. The materials are published in MedEdPortal and can be accessed by registering for free.

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