GRPQ: General Role Perception Questionnaire

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Submitted by National Center... on Oct 9, 2013 - 3:40pm CDT

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The Role Perception Questionnaire (RPQ) was developed to evaluate undergraduate healthcare students’ perceptions about the roles of other professions in interprofessional education. The GRPQ can be used to measure changes in role perception of a range of other professions.

The General Role Perception Questionnaire is a 20-item tool with a 10-point scale that is used to obtain views of the role of another profession. The GRPQ can be used to measure change in role perception of a range of other professions.

PLEASE NOTE: The GRPQ tool itself is not available for download from this site.  To request a copy, please contact the author directly (see PDF below for details).


Mackay, S. (2004). The role perception questionnaire (RPQ): A tool for assessing undergraduate students' perceptions of the role of other professions. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 18(3), 289-302.

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Tool Description

The General Role Perception Questionnaire is a 20-item tool with a 10-point scale that is used to obtain views of the role of another profession. The GRPQ can be used to measure change in role perception of a range of other professions (Mackay, 2004).

Country UK
Setting University

Midwifery (15%), Occupational Therapy (34%), Physiotherapy (26%), Podiatry (13%), Prosthetics and Orthotics (35%) and Radiography (32%)


43 students from 9 disciplines

Subscale(s) & Psychometrics Roles of other professions

Test re-­‐test reliability: correlation coefficient r = 0.7. Content validity verified through consultation with sample group


Dr. Stuart Mackay
Assessment & Evaluation
Education & Learning