ELIQ: Entry Level Interprofessional Questionnaire

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Submitted by National Center... on Nov 4, 2013 - 10:41am CST

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The ELIQ was developed to provide a student self-assessment of communication, team work skills, and attitudes toward collaborative learning and collaborative working both before and after qualification.

The Entry Level Interprofessional Questionnaire is  a 27-item tool with a 5-point scale that is used to assess  students' attitudes towards  interprofessional education and collaboration. The tool has 3 subscales: communication and teamwork, interprofessional learning, and interprofessional interaction.


Street, K. N., Eaton, N., Clarke, B., Ellis, M., Young, P. M., Hunt, L., and Emond, A. (2007). Child disability case studies: an interprofessional learning opportunity for medical students and pediatric nursing students. Medical Education, 41(8), 771­‐780.

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Tool Description

The Entry Level Interprofessional Questionnaire is a 9-item tool with a 5-point scale that is used to assess students' attitudes towards interprofessional education and collaboration. The tool specifically looks at attitude towards IP learning and professional stereotyping (Street et al., 2007)

Country UK
Setting Community

Medicine and Nursing


160 students 2 professions

Subscale(s) & Psychometrics Attitudes towards IP learning and professional stereotyping (roles)

Internal consistency Cronbach's α Pre=.89, Post=.86 post Validity: concurrent validity





Pollard, K. C., Miers, M. E., and Gilchrist, M. (2004). Collaborative learning for collaborative working? Initial findings from a longitudinal study of health and social care students. Health and Social Care in the Community, 12(4), 346‐358.

PLEASE NOTE: Only those with paid subscriptions to the Wiley Online Library may access the full text of this copyright-protected article. Contact your institutional library or the publisher for details.

Tool Description

The Entry Level Interprofessional Questionnaire is  a 27-item tool with a 5-point scale that is used to assess  students' attitudes towards  interprofessional education and collaboration. The tool has 4 subscales: communication and teamwork, IP learning, IP interaction, and perceptions of relationships with colleagues (Pollard et al., 2004)

Country UK
Setting University

Phase 1: Nursing (420), Physical Therapy (127), Mental Health Nursing (76), Midwifery (43), Diagnostic Imaging (39), Social Work (31), Occupational Therapy (30), Radiotherapy (14) and Learning Diabilities Nursing (11)

Phase 2: Nursing (209)


Students from 10 professional programs: Cohort 1=643, Cohort 2=209

Subscale(s) & Psychometrics communication and teamwork

See below

IP learning

See below

IP interaction

See below

perceptions of relationships with colleagues

See below

Test-retest: Pearson’s correlation coefficients (r): Communication and teamwork=.78 IP learning=.86 IP interaction=.77 Internal consistency Cronbach’s α Communication and teamwork=.76, IP learning=.84, IP interaction=.82 Concurrent validity: Pearson correlation (r) UWE-°©‐ IPQ vs RIPLS and Interprofessional Communication Competence scale (ICCS): UWE-IPQ and RIPLS: r=.84 (p<0.001) UWE-IPQ and ICCS: r=.85 (p<0.001)



Dr. Katherine Pollard
Assessment & Evaluation
Collaborative Practice
Education & Learning