PINCOM-Q: Perception of Interprofessional Collaboration Model Questionnaire

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The Perception of Interprofessional Collaboration Model Questionnaire (PINCOM-Q) was developed to measure perceptions and behavior between professionals in the interprofessional collaboration process on an individual, group, and organizational level.

The  Perception of Interprofessional Collaboration Model Questionnaire (PINCOM-Q) is a 48-item tool with a 7-point scale that is used to assess perceptions of interprofessional collaboration. The tool has 12 subscales: motivation, role expectations, personality style, professional power, group leadership, communication, coping, social support, organizational culture, organizational aims, organizational domain, and organizational environment.

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Odegard, A., and Strype, J. (2009). Perceptions of interprofessional collaboration within child mental health care in Norway. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 23(3), 286­‐296.

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Tool Description

The  Perception of Interprofessional Collaboration Model Questionnaire (PINCOM-Q) is a 48-item tool with a 7-point scale that is used to assess perceptions of interprofessional collaboration. The tool has 12 subscales: motivation, role expectations, personality style, professional power, group leadership, communication, coping, social support, organizational culture, organizational aims, organizational domain, and organizational environment (Odegard and Strype, 2009). 

Country Norway
Setting Schools, psychiatric clinics, and child protection centers

Medicine (7), Nursing (13), Education (60), Psychology (16), Social Work (23), Others (14), Missing (profession not registered) (1)


157 professionals from 7 disciplines.

Subscale(s) & Psychometrics motivation

role expectations

personality style

professional power

group leadership



social support

organizational culture

organizational aims

organizational domain

organizational environment

Internal Consistency: Cronbach's α: Total scale=.91
Individual level=.77
Group level=.88
Organizational level=.75.



Ødegård, A. (2006). Exploring perceptions of interprofessional collaboration in child mental health care. International Journal of Integrated Care 6 (18 December).

Tool Description

PINCOM-Q is a 48-item self-report multidimensional instrument; 34 items were formulated by the author and 14 items were reformulated based on the questionnaire QPSNordic. Each of the twelve constructs (C1–C12) in the theoretical model was operationalized by four indicators, giving the 48 items for the three levels. The items were formulated as statements and rated on a 7-point likert scale, ranging from ‘strongly agree’ (1) to ‘strongly disagree’ (7).

Country Norway
Setting Participants were employed in specialist services, primary care or public schools and a wide number of professionals participated in the study. Teachers in elementary schools were included as informants since they often participate in interprofessional collaboration groups in the context of helping children with mental health problems

The following professionals (n=134) participated in the study: teachers (n=43, 32.1%), special educators (n=17, 12.7%), psychologists (n=16, 11.9%), social workers (n=14, 10.4%), primary nurses (n=13, 9.7%, child welfare workers (n=9, 6.7%), medical doctors (n=7, 5.2%), others (n=14, 10.4%), missing (profession not registered) (n=1, 0.7%).


Cronbach's alpha for the whole material was 0.91 (48 items). Split-half reliability was: alpha for part 1=0.84 and alpha for part 2=0.87. The mean score of each of the variables (constructs) were calculated, based on four items. The reliability of ten variables, representing the 10 constructs in PINCOM, ranged from moderate to high (0.55–0.82), and only two constructs were excluded from further analysis [personality style (0.09) and organizational environment (0.18)].


Dr. Atle Ødegård
Assessment & Evaluation
Collaborative Practice
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