As we continue to build an interprofessional culture, we look to role models and advocates to lead the way. It’s our job to find those who are doing it, and link with those who want to do it, expanding the network of IPCP which in turn expands the network ...
National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education —06/25/2013
(IPCE) professionals, representing 38 organizations, participated in the fourth annual Joint ...
Angela Willson —02/04/2019
Resource Type: Journal Article 305 reads This integrative review highlights the need to look critically at the body of research purported to investigate interprofessional collaboration in primary care settings and suggests the value of using direct obser ...
Jill Romeo —03/17/2024
Hi Josette, You posted a really interesting question. Is your institution developing this competency in addition to already utilizing the IPEC competencies (or a similar set of competencies)? Would you be willing to share some of the initial ideas that ...
Christa Cerra —10/25/2014
Thank you for all of this valuable content. I appreciate the focus on the education component of interprofessional work and am wondering if anyone has examples of clinical positions focusing on overseeing the development, integration and success of care t ...
Michelle Farmer —08/30/2016
(IPC) competencies that had been developed and had undergone content validation through a Pan-Canadian ...
National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education —09/06/2016
Tyson School of Medicine- Interprofessional Collaboration (IPC) Partnership CA Wendy S. Madigosky, MD, ... MSPH, FAAFP Interprofessional Collaboration (IPC) Lead, Associate Professor of Health System Science ...
Site Admin —01/03/2019
attention to interprofessional collaboration (IPC). Most schools, training programs, and universities are ... IPC. There has been intensifying interest to assess IPE beyond attitudinal measures. The presenters ... assessment for IPE/IPC. This webinar is the second part of a two-part series that focuses on specific ...
American Interprofessional Health Collaborative —08/24/2015
interprofessional collaboration (IPC). Most schools, training programs, and universities are implementing IPE to ... majority of scholarship around IPE has focused on changes in learners attitudes regarding IPC. There has ... modification of the Kirkpatrick evaluation framework to focus on other methods of assessment for IPE/IPC. This ...
American Interprofessional Health Collaborative —08/24/2015
Collaborative (IPC), which is a national organization with representatives from 12 entry-level health ... 3 The Interprofessional Professionalism Collaborative (IPC) also has a website from which a PDF of ... complete a survey for future follow-up and research. The IPC website also has a toolkit which provides ...
Connie C Schmitz —12/31/2018