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Results 1 - 9 of 9 for "Interprofessional Collaborator Assessment Rubric"

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  1. Interprofessional Collaborator Assessment Rubric (ICAR)

     Reliability of the interprofessional collaborator assessment rubric (ICAR) in multi source feedback (MSF) with ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  2. Interprofessional Collaborator Assessment Rubric (ICAR)

    Resource Type:  Tool 7652 reads The Interprofessional Collaborator Assessment Rubric (ICAR) is ...

    Vernon Curran


  3. Development and validation of the interprofessional collaborator assessment rubric (ICAR)

    Resource Type:  Journal Article 2751 reads There have been increasing calls for a competency-based approach in interprofessional education (IPE). The purpose of this multi-site research project was to develop a validated set of interprofessional collabora ...

    Vernon Curran


  4. ICAR: Reliability of the interprofessional collaborator assessment rubric in multi source feedback (MSF) with post-graduate medical residents Author(s):  Mark F Hayward Vernon Curran Bryan Curtis Henry Schulz Sean Murphy Link to Resource:  ... this study was to evaluate the reliability of a modified Interprofessional Collaborator Assessment ... Rubric (ICAR) in a multi-source feedback (MSF) process for assessing post-graduate medical ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  5. Reliability of ICAR

    Check out this resource: Reliability of the interprofessional collaborator assessment rubric ...

    Meghan Rosenkranz


  6. Assessment of IPE to Move Beyond Attitudes: Featured Tools and Case Studies from the Field, Part 2

    (Optional):  Kirkpatrick framework Interprofessional Collaborator Assessment Rubric ICAR Simulation clinical ...

    American Interprofessional Health Collaborative


  7. New evaluation tools, review of survey instruments among recent additions to the Resource Exchange

    Interprofessional Collaborator Assessment Rubric (ICAR)  and  Development and Validation of the Interprofessional ... Collaborator Assessment Rubric  (tool and article from Vernon Curran) From Buy-in to Integration: Melding an ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  8. University of Kentucky: Interprofessional Care Across Transitions for Stroke Patients

    collaboration using the interprofessional collaborator assessment rubric, and clinical and patient outcomes. In ...

    Site Admin


  9. Collaborating Across Borders V - Conference Presentations

    Collaborator Assessment Rubric in the IPE Curriculum Sylvia Langlois, Leila Lax, Sharona Kanofsky, Laura ... Angel Chen, Rebecca Shunk C3iv 458 Measuring Collaborator Competencies: Using the Interprofessional ...

    Site Admin
