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Results 1 - 10 of 662 for "implementation"

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  1. A Planning Process to Develop, Implement, and Evaluate Continuing Interprofessional Education (CIPE) Programs

    Although there are numerous examples of CIPE programs that are being successfully implemented, there is ... a need for a clearly articulated planning process to help guide CE professionals to develop, implement ...

    American Interprofessional Health Collaborative


  2. Practical Steps to Address IPECP Implementation Challenges: The Loyola Experience

    during IPECP implementation Consider opportunities for applying the Loyola IPECP model at other ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  3. Implementing an interprofessional patient safety learning initiative: Insights from participants, project leads and steering committee members

    individuals involved with the implementation of an interprofessional patient safety competency-based ... the intervention and implemented local patient safety projects within a large teaching hospital in ...

    Scott Reeves


  4. Train-the-Trainer Interprofessional Faculty Development Program

    training program that supports teams in designing and implementing health care-related projects at their ... for teams wanting to learn how to design and implement effective interprofessional education and ... Utilize and model innovative teaching approaches to facilitate IPE and collaborative practice Implement ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  5. IPE Centers, Programs and Initiatives

    States. Educational institutions and health systems are implementing a variety of organizational models to ... a focused commitment to IPE implementation across the country, or in your own community. Please use this ...

    Site Admin


  6. The European quality of care pathways (EQCP) study on the impact of care pathways on interprofessional teamwork in an acute hospital setting: study protocol: for a cluster randomised controlled trial and evaluation of implementation processes

    pathway implementation is scarce. The objective of the European Quality of Care Pathway (EQCP) study is ... on the implementation process. METHODS/DESIGN: An international post-test-only cluster Randomised ... control group. The intervention group will implement a care pathway for PFF or COPD containing three ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  7. Lessons Learned from the Accelerating Initiative: A National Community-Based IPE Implementation Study

    Accelerating Interprofessional Community-based Education and Practice Initiative. The large implementation ... standards to educate students in teams Nursing school faculty and advanced nurse practitioners implementing ... for implementing team-based care and interprofessional education programs Speakers: Barbara F. Brandt, ...

    Site Admin


  8. Common curricula in Norway: differential implementation and differential outcomes in undergraduate health and social care education

    and left the colleges to exercise their discretion regarding the form that implementation should take. ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  9. Preparing rehabilitation healthcare providers in the 21st century: implementation of interprofessional education through an academic-clinical site partnership

    OBJECTIVE: Health profession education programs often struggle with barriers to implementing ... competencies. Few published reports are available to guide the implementation of IPE programs into practice. ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  10. Implementing a nurse-shadowing program for first-year medical students to improve interprofessional collaborations on health care teams

    professionals. In 2009, to begin addressing this need in the curriculum, the authors implemented ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


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