Lessons Learned from the Accelerating Initiative: A National Community-Based IPE Implementation Study

This webinar is part of the Accelerating Initiative Real Stories with Real Impacts: What Worked for Accelerating Initiative Teams Webinar series.



This webinar highlights the release of the Harder+Company Community Research evaluation report of the National Center’s Accelerating Interprofessional Community-based Education and Practice Initiative.

The large implementation study involving 16 sites across the nation who joined the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education (National Center) in an intensive, two-year education-community practice IPE development initiative.  Each site was challenged to address real community health needs while providing interprofessional learning opportunities for students. The sites worked with high risk, underserved populations, addressed social determinants of health, and developed education-community partnerships where everybody benefits -- students, people needing care and their families, care providers, community leaders and agencies, and education and health care systems.

Who should care about the results of this initiative?

  • Health system leaders who need to train the current workforce for new models of care
  • Community leaders who are seeking innovative ideas to serve citizens
  • Health professions educators who are charged with new accreditation standards to educate students in teams
  • Nursing school faculty and advanced nurse practitioners implementing interprofessional education programs in community-based settings
  • Students who in the future will practice in teams in health care and will be paid in the future by demonstrating that they can keep patients healthy and reduce costs
  • National organizations that support their members to learn about effective strategies for implementing team-based care and interprofessional education programs


  • Barbara F. Brandt, PhD, EdM, FNAP, Director and Associate Vice President, National Center
  • Carla Dieter, EdD, MS, RN, Coordinator of Accelerating Initiative and Coordinator of NexusIPE™ Programs, National Center
  • Theo Leenman, PhD, Research Consultant, Harder+Company Community Research

Objectives: After completion of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the background of the Accelerating Initiative large implementation study and how sites came together to address community health needs of high-risk underserved populations while providing IPE experiences for students.
  • Outline key findings and recommendations from the study.
  • Examine key findings from seven focused Accelerating Initiative case studies.
  • Examine the National Center’s role in helping advance sites with different settings by using the standardized framework of the NexusIPE™ Learning System.


The National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education is charged to be an unbiased, neutral convener by its funders and founders and works with all stakeholders in health and health professions to advance better care, better value, and better education. In 2016, four foundations - the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and The John A. Hartford Foundation – partnered with the National Center to launch the Accelerating Initiative.  The sixteen sites selected were awarded $50,000 grants with a match requirement.  Throughout the two-year initiative, the National Center provided a comprehensive program of technical assistance, expert consultation and resources to accelerate their interprofessional education and collaborative practice efforts in the community settings.


Webinar Recording


Event Date: 
Tuesday, October 08, 2019 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm CDT