A Planning Process to Develop, Implement, and Evaluate Continuing Interprofessional Education (CIPE) Programs

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Submitted by American Interp... on Aug 24, 2015 - 2:48pm CDT

Interest in continuing interprofessional education (CIPE) has been increasing, due in part to the recognition that interprofessional education (IPE) is an important component of the suggested changes in traditional continuing education (CE) to increase health professionals’ ability to improve outcomes of care. Although there are numerous examples of CIPE programs that are being successfully implemented, there is a need for a clearly articulated planning process to help guide CE professionals to develop, implement, and evaluate CIPE programs.  The lack of such a planning process presents a significant barrier to increasing the number of CIPE programs in the United States. This webinar will describe a step-by-step process for integrating IPE into the existing CE planning process, and will illustrate this planning process with an example of a CIPE program completed at the University of Virginia to improve sepsis care by enhancing healthcare team collaboration.

This presentation is based on content developed by the authors for a 2012 webinar hosted by the Alliance for Continuing Education in the Health Professions and on a paper by the authors published in the Spring 2013 issue of the Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions.

John A. Owen
Madeline H. Schmitt