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Results 1 - 10 of 104 for "healthcare teams"

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  1. Healthcare Team Vitality Instrument (HTVI)

    Healthcare Team Vitality Instrument (HTVI): developing a tool assessing healthcare team functioning. Journal ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  2. HTVI: Healthcare Team Vitality Instrument

    Resource Type:  Tool 4952 reads The Healthcare Team Vitality Instrument (HTVI) was developed and ... M. E., and Doebbeling, B. N. (2010). Healthcare Team Vitality Instrument (HTVI): Developing a tool ... assessing healthcare team functioning. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66(1), 168-76. PLEASE NOTE: Only those ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  3. Role Clarification Processes for Better Integration of Nurse Practitioners into Primary Healthcare Teams: A Multiple-Case Study

    Resource Type:  Journal Article 2868 reads Role clarity is a crucial issue for effective interprofessional collaboration. Poorly defined roles can become a source of conflict in clinical teams and reduce the effectiveness of care and services delivered to ...

    Isabelle Brault


  4. A Conceptual Model for Interdisciplinary Healthcare Team Development and Survival

    Resource Type:  Conference Paper 2434 reads This paper was originally published in the Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Interdisciplinary Health Team Care Conference, which took place September 26-28, 1985 in Chicago, Illinois.  It is reproduced here wit ...

    Theresa J.K. Drinka


  5. The interprofessional healthcare team:Leadership and Development

    Resource Type:  Book 2363 reads The Interprofessional Health Care Team: Leadership and Development explores theoretical concepts of leadership in an interdisciplinary health care environment and provides practical examples of these concepts from the persp ...

    Donna Weiss


  6. Designing and Evaluating an Effective Theory-Based Continuing Interprofessional Education (CIPE) Program to Improve Sepsis Care by Enhancing Healthcare Team Collaboration

    Resource Type:  Journal Article 1589 reads Author(s):  University of Virginia Center for ASPIRE Link to Resource: Subject:  Assessment & Evaluation Caregivers Collaborative Practice Education & Learnin ...

    John A. Owen


  7. Self-Directed Work Teams and Interdisciplinary Healthcare Teams: Clash of Cultures in Symbiotic Relationship

    Resource Type:  Conference Paper 1542 reads This paper was originally published in the Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Interdisciplinary Health Team Care Conference, which took place September 22-24, 1994 in Chicago, Illinois.  It is reproduced here w ...

    Theresa J.K. Drinka


  8. An Interactive, Adaptable Interprofessional Healthcare Team Roles & Responsibilities Workshop for Preclinical Medical Students

    collaboration and patient outcomes,1 can facilitate interprofessional collaboration among healthcare team ... described their role on the interprofessional healthcare team; 2) provided a demonstration of assessments or ... they 1) introduced themselves and their role on the interprofessional healthcare team; 2) reviewed the ...

    Tia Kostas


  9. Characterizing motivational styles of professionals who work on interdisciplinary healthcare teams

    trainees who worked or trained on interdisciplinary healthcare teams. Individual motivation styles were ...

    Theresa J.K. Drinka


  10. Designing and Evaluating an Effective Theory-Based Continuing Interprofessional Education (CIPE) Program to Improve Sepsis Care by Enhancing Healthcare Team Collaboration

    Resource Type:  Journal Article 1268 reads Author(s):  University of Virginia Center for ASPIRE Link to Resource: Subject:  Assessment & Evaluation Collaborative Practice Education & Learning Teamwork ...

    John A. Owen


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