IPE Faculty Development: Error Disclosure Training Curriculum

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Submitted by National Center... on Jan 6, 2015 - 3:08pm CST

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The purposes of this online Error Disclosure faculty toolkit are: 

  1. To be an aid for helping faculty and instructors learn how to teach health professional students the fundamental process for disclosing errors to patients.
  2. To provide a packaged interprofessional team training session using error disclosure simulation/role-play as the vector by which health professional students can learn together to develop and improve team and communication skills.

The toolkit contains: 

  • error disclosure curriculum,
  • course evaluation forms,
  • video example of error disclosure,
  • additional references for error disclosure.

The content was developed by the Macy grant team at the University of Washington, who were funded in 2008 to develop and integrate interprofessional team training into existing curriculum in the Health Sciences schools of Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy and the Physician Assistant Program. This training was piloted with a group of 20 students in June 2010 and rolled out to a group of 400+ students in March 2011.

University of Washington Center for Health Sciences Interprofessional Education, Research and Practice
Education & Learning
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