Advancing Interprofessional Clinical Prevention and Population Health Education: Curriculum Development Guide for Health Professions Faculty

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Submitted by Association for... on Jan 31, 2014 - 4:36pm CST

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The APTR Healthy People Curriculum Task Force developed the Curriculum Guide for Health Professions Faculty to prepare students to participate effectively as members of interprofessional health care teams delivering clinical prevention and population health services. 

The guide is adaptable and customizable to the specific learning environments and health professions education programs of an institution. This curriculum guide is intended for faculty members in health professions education programs seeking to design and implement interprofessional learning activities in the area of clinical prevention and population health.  The current national focus on interprofessional education and collaborative practice is conducive to the education of future health professionals in disease prevention and population health and can facilitate the achievement of the nation’s health goals outlined in Healthy People 2020.

Susan M. Meyer, PhD
David R. Garr, MD
Clyde Evans, PhD
Rika Maeshiro, MD, MPH
Education & Learning