PACT: Performance Assessment for Communication and Teamwork Tool Set

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Submitted by National Center... on Nov 4, 2013 - 1:11pm CST

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Performance Assessment for Communication and Teamwork Tool Set was developed to assess performance on team work and communication in simulated scenarios.

The Performance Assessment for Communication and Teamwork Tool Set (PACT) was developed to assess teamwork and communication performance in simulated environments.

  • University of Washington – Macy Interprofessional Collaborative Project (funded by Macy and Hearst Foundations)
  • A simulation based, team training program for health professional students – developed by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
  • Video Coding Sheet for Performance Assessment for Communication and Teamwork (PACT)

The tools are available here and more information about this project and the organization can be obtained from the University of Washington Center for Interprofessional Education, Research and Practice website.


Chiu, C.J., Brock, D., Abu-Rish, E., Vorvick, L., Wilson, S., Hammer, D., Schaad, D., Blondon, K., and Zierler, B. (u.d.). Performance Assessment of Communication and Teamwork (PACT) Tool Set. Retrieved from:

Tool Description

PACT-novice is designed for novice raters who are not familiar with TeamSTEPPS or who do not have previous coder training experience to perform a real-time assessment. PACT-novice contains the 5 TeamSTEPPS constructs and sample behaviors of constructs are provided on the tool. Raters are asked to rate the constructs using a 5-point quality scale and to record notes in the “comment” column. A list of definitions of key terms and concepts describing team communication was developed to accompany the PACT-novice tool in order to help raters understand key concepts of TeamSTEPPS.
PACT-expert is designed for experienced raters who are familiar with TeamSTEPPS to perform a real-time assessment. PACT-expert contains 19 behavioral markers that were drawn from the PACT-video. These 19 behavioral markers were representative of the behavioral markers observed in the videos of effective team communication. Raters are asked to use a 4-point Likert scale of quality (poor-excellent) to assess each behavioral marker, as well as the 5 overall TeamSTEPPS constructs.
PACT-video is designed for institutions that want to have more detailed information on team performance. Extensive training for raters to use PACT-video is recommended. PACT-video contains 5 behavioral markers under each construct (26 behavioral markers in total). PACT-video has frequency and quality scales to collect both quantitative and qualitative information.





Subscale(s) & Psychometrics Communication



Center for Health Sciences Interprofessional Education, Research & Practice
1959 NE Pacific Street
Box 357266
Seattle, WA 98195

University of Washington
Assessment & Evaluation