OTAS: Observational Teamwork Assessment for Surgery

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The Observational Teamwork Assessment for Surgery (OTAS) was developed to measure the quality of teamwork and interactions in the operating theatre. The tool assesses teamwork-related task checklists and teamwork-related behaviors.  It can be used to provide a way to benchmark good teamwork skills and to guide formative feedback and debriefing in clinical practice.

The Observational Teamwork Assessment for Surgery tool has 15 items with a 7-point scale and is  used to measure the quality of teamwork and interaction in the operating theatre. The tool assesses teamwork-related task checklists and teamwork-related behaviors.

This tool is available as Figure 1 (p. 236) in: Hull, L., Arora, S., Kassab, E., Kneebone, R., and Sevdalis, N. (2011). Observational Teamwork Assessment for Surgery: Content validation and Tool Refinement. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 212(2), 234-243. Copyright © 2010 American College of Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Sevdalis, N., Lyons, M., Healey, A. N., Undre, S., Darzi, A., and Vincent, C. A. (2009). Observational teamwork assessment for surgery: Construct validation with expert versus novice raters. Annals of Surgery, 249(6), 1047-­1051.

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Tool Description

The Observational Teamwork Assessment for Surgery tool has 15 items with a 7-point scale and is  used to measure the quality of teamwork and interaction in the operating theatre. The tool assesses teamwork-related task checklists and teamwork-related behaviors (Sevdalis et al., 2009)

Country United States
Setting Hospital OR

Medicine and Nursing


Observations from 12 video recordings of urology surgical procedures

Subscale(s) & Psychometrics Teamwork-related task checklist (patient tasks; equipment/provisions tasks; communication tasks)

Construct validity: Significant obtained between expert raters’ scores for 12 of 15 behaviors. All 5 behaviors in preoperative phase (rs =.51 and .77); 4 of 5 behaviors in intra‐operative phase (rs =.62 and .94) 3 of 5 behaviors in postoperative phase rs = .65 and .89). 3 of 15 significant correlations for expert-novice pairs of raters.

Teamwork‐related behaviours (communication, cooperation, coordination, leadership, monitoring)

Construct validity: Significant obtained between expert raters’ scores for 12 of 15 behaviors. All 5 behaviors in preoperative phase (rs =.51 and .77); 4 of 5 behaviors in intra‐operative phase (rs =.62 and .94) 3 of 5 behaviors in postoperative phase rs = .65 and .89). 3 of 15 significant correlations for expert-novice pairs of raters.



Dr. N. Sevdalis
Assessment & Evaluation
Collaborative Practice
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