Nexus Summit 2022 Seminar Showcase Webinar: Case Studies in Medical-Dental Integration

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Submitted by National Center... on Mar 16, 2023 - 9:25am CDT

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Abstract: Throughout the history of healthcare in the U.S., the delivery of primary medical care and behavioral healthcare has been separated from the delivery of oral healthcare. In recent years, research has confirmed that oral health is intertwined with both physical and mental health. These findings have led to a greater emphasis on finding ways to include oral health care in interprofessional education and practice.  Through a combination of information sharing and facilitated discussion, participants will be able to describe what is meant by oral health community collaborative practice, identify ways to create interprofessional collaborations in their community, and apply lessons learned to enhance the educational experiences of student providers.

Karl Self, DDS, MBA, University of Minnesota
Michael Helgeson, DDS, Apple Tree Dental

Series Description:
The highest rated peer-reviewed seminars offered during Nexus Summit 2022 will cover topics ranging from diversity, equity and inclusion, medical-dental integration, cross institutional collaboration, interprofessional systems and structures, narrative leadership, and virtual simulations, among others. Offered between February - July 2023, the Nexus Summit 2022 Seminar Showcase will provide an opportunity to learn from, with, and about the work being done to improve practice, education and health for those we serve.


Karl Self, DDS, MBA, University of Minnesota
Michael Helgeson, DDS, Apple Tree Dental
Collaborative Practice
Communities & Population Health
Patients & Families
The Nexus
National Center Publications