Nexus Summit 2022 Seminar Showcase: Redesigning the Box: A Self-Study Tool to Enhance Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Interprofessional Programming and Initiatives

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Submitted by National Center... on Mar 31, 2023 - 4:18pm CDT

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Series Description:

Join us for the Nexus Summit 2022 Seminar Showcase: a free webinar series from the National Center! The highest rated peer-reviewed seminars offered during Nexus Summit 2022 will cover topics ranging from diversity, equity and inclusion, medical-dental integration, cross institutional collaboration, interprofessional systems and structures, narrative leadership, and virtual simulations, among others. Offered between February - July 2023, the Nexus Summit 2022 Seminar Showcase will provide an opportunity to learn from, with, and about the work being done to improve practice, education and health for those we serve.


Over the last two years, staff and faculty members of a university Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education’s Racial and Social Justice Task Force (RSJT) have worked together to extend our systems thinking relative to interprofessional collaboration and our understanding of effective teamwork to examine and dismantle systemic injustice in our individual and team practices. To aid in this work, the team created a curriculum self-study tool, intended to guide critical thinking and facilitate idea generation around issues of racial and social justice within and across the Center’s interprofessional student programs. Specifically, the tool encourages users to reflect on opportunities and strengths within each program relative to diverse representation, health disparities, and assumptions and stereotypes, and to enact corresponding changes. Its use is meant to enable creation of an action plan to ensure that the Center’s staff and faculty are explicitly aware of and working toward racial and social justice in all our endeavors. This process includes feedback and input first from the full RSJT and then the Center’s entire interprofessional faculty and staff team.

This seminar will directly address the theme of “Interprofessional Collaboration to Address Health Equity, Racism, and Bias” by introducing participants to the RSJT, its work, and the creation and use of the curriculum self-study tool to address issues of diverse representation, health disparities, and assumptions and stereotypes in interprofessional student programming, as described above. After this introduction, workshop presenters will provide an example of the application of the tool using one of the Center’s programs. Attendees will then use the tool to examine and reflect on an activity, event, course, or curriculum in which they are engaged. The seminar will end with a discussion of attendee reactions to using the tool during the session and next steps for moving forward. Ultimately, we hope the tool will serve as a resource to help raise users’ confidence in their abilities to address issues of racial and social justice, foster more inclusive learning environments and build stronger, more trusting teams.

Amber King, PharmD, BCPS, FNAP, Thomas Jefferson University
Brooke Salzman, MD, Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education at Thomas Jefferson University
Shoshana Sicks, EdD, Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education at Thomas Jefferson University
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