MUPM: Medication Use Processes Matrix

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Submitted by National Center... on Nov 4, 2013 - 8:48am CST

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The Medication Use Processes Matrix (MUMP) was designed to measure how primary health care professionals' perceive their own and others’ contributions to medication-related processes.

This is a 22-item tool with a 5-point scale used to provide a description of medication-related processes in primary care. The tool has 5 subscales: diagnostic and prescribing, monitoring, administrative and documentation and medication review. 


Farrell, B., Pottie, K., Woodend, K., Yao, V. H., Kennie, N., Sellors, C., Martin, C., and Dolovich, L. (2008). Developing a tool to measure contributions to medication­‐related processes in family practice. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 22(1), 17­‐29.

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Tool Description

This is a 22-item tool with a 5-point scale used to provide a description of medication-related processes in primary care. The tool has 5 subscales: diagnostic and prescribing, monitoring, administrative and documentation and medication review  (Farrel et al., 2008). 

Country Canada
Setting Family Practice Clinics

All Phases: Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Health Admistration


91 participants from 5 professions

Subscale(s) & Psychometrics diagnostic & prescribing

See below


See below

administrative & documentation

See below


See below

medication review

See below

Internal consistency Cronbach’s α Overall tool = .97, 5 subscales: Diagnosis & prescribing = .96, Monitoring = .81, Administrative/documentation = .84, Education = .85, Medication review = .89, Test-retest reliability: intra-class coefficient (ICC>.80). Content validity and construct validity tested and reported


Dr. Barbara Farrell
Assessment & Evaluation
Collaborative Practice
Education & Learning
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