IIC: Index for Interdisciplinary Collaboration

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Submitted by National Center... on Nov 1, 2013 - 2:20pm CDT

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Index of Interdisciplinary Collaboration (IIC) was developed to measure the self-reported level of collaboration amongst professionals (originally social workers and other professionals) and these professional interactions with the goal of improved services to clients.

The 49-item 5-point scale Index of Interdisciplinary Collaboration tool is used to assess aspects and levels of interprofessional collaboration in an organization. The tool has 5 subscales: interdependence, newly created professional activities,  flexibility, collective ownership of goals and reflection on process.


Parker Oliver, D., Wittenberg­‐Lyles, E. M., and Day, M. (2007). Measuring interdisciplinary perceptions of collaboration on hospice teams. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 24(1), 49­‐53.

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Tool Description

The 42-item 5-point scale Index of Interdisciplinary Collaboration (IIC) tool is a modified version of the 2002 IIC created to assess interprofessional collaboration in an organization. The tool has 4 subscales: interdependence and flexibility, newly created professional activities, collective ownership of goals, and reflection on process (Parker Oliver et al., 2007).

Country United States
Setting Hospice

Medicine, Nurse, Social Work, Pastoral Counseling, Dietician, Volunteer, Therapist, Team Leader and Health Adminstration


95 staff members from 11 disciplines

Subscale(s) & Psychometrics interdependence & flexibility

Internal consistency: Cronbach's α: Whole scale = .93 Interdependence = .87, Flexibility = .87

newly created professional activities

Newly created activities = .77

collective ownership of goal

Collective ownership of goals = .80

reflection on process

Reflection on process = .79





Bronstein, L. R. (2002). Index of interdisciplinary collaboration. Social Work Research, 26(2), 113­‐126.

PLEASE NOTE: Only those with paid subscriptions to Oxford Journals Online may access the full text of this copyright-protected article. Contact your institutional library or the publisher for details.

Tool Description

The 49-item 5-point scale Index of Interdisciplinary Collaboration tool is used to assess aspects and levels of interprofessional collaboration in an organization. The tool has 5 subscales: interdependence, newly created professional activities,  flexibility, collective ownership of goals and reflection on process (Bronstein, 2002).

Country United States

Social work


462 social workers

Subscale(s) & Psychometrics interdependence

Test-retest reliability r = .824 (p< .01)

newly created professional activities

Internal consistency: Cronbach's α = .92 for 49 items, α = .92 for 42 items


Internal consistency for 5 subscales: Cronbach's α = .56 - .82 for 49 items Cronbach's α = .62 - .82 for 42 items

collective ownership of goal

Construct validity: No significant correlations between demographics and scores

reflection on process

Convergent construct validity: Significant correlations between scores and professional affiliation, agency organization and structural characteristics, personal relationships among collaborators, prior history of collaboration



Dr. Laura Bronstein
Assessment & Evaluation
Collaborative Practice
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