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Results 1 - 10 of 132 for "stages"

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  1. Early Stage Alzheimer's Disease: Assessment and Staging

    difference between normal and pathological memory loss as well as describes the workup and staging of ...

    Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)


  2. Experiences with IPE and the Early-Stage Learner

    brings together early-stage learners from across the health, health care, and health-care associated ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  3. Informal Roles, Rituals, and Styles of Humor in Interdisciplinary Health Care Teams: Their Relationship to Stages of Group Development

    1985) and past theory and research on the stages of group development to discuss a) the strains that are ... likely to occur at different stages of team development and b) the informal, expressive rituals, and ... styles of humor teams are likely to employ to manage the strains at each stage. The roles, rituals and ...

    Madeline H. Schmitt


  4. Informal roles and the stages of interdisciplinary team development

    Veterans Affairs medical centers. We find evidence that as teams develop from early to later stages, the ... variation in how each member is seen by other team members. Finally, we find that regardless of stage of ...

    Madeline H. Schmitt


  5. VA Centers of Excellence in Primary Care Education, Stage 1 Evaluation Design and Selected Findings 2011-2015

    Education, Stage 1 Evaluation Design and Selected Findings 2011-2015. (Click Here for Presentation Link) This ...

    Laural Traylor, MSW


  6. Early-Stage Caregiving (Alzheimer's disease)

    caregiving during the early stage of Alzheimer's disease. It discusses the caregiver's role as ... Alzheimer's Association. Author(s):  ... Subject:  Caregivers Additional Tags (Optional):  Alzheimer's Association Alzheimer's ...

    Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)


  7. Middle-Stage Caregiving (Alzheimer's disease)

    caregiving during the middle stage of Alzheimer's disease. It discusses what to expect, your role as ... a caregiver, and middle-stage concerns. Quick tips from other caregivers and links to relevant resources are ... Author(s):  Alzheimer's Association Link to Resource:  ...

    Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)


  8. Late-Stage Caregiving (Alzheimer's disease)

    caregiving during the late stage of Alzheimer's disease. It discusses what to expect, your role as ... a caregiver, late-stage care options, foods and fluids, bowel and bladder function, skin and body health, ... Author(s):  Alzheimer's Association Link to Resource:  ...

    Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)


  9. Stages of Alzheimer's

    three general stages of Alzheimer's disease progression, beginning with an overview and then diving ... into the specifcs of the early, middle, and late stages. Links to relevant resources are included. ... Subject:  Patients & Families Additional Tags (Optional):  Alzheimer's Association ...

    Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)


  10. Understanding the Early Stage of Dementia for an Interprofessional Team

    discusses signs and changes in cognitive status of early-stage dementia and describes strategies for ... early-stage dementia; (2) list changes in cognitive status that are typical of early-stage dementia; (3) ... identify common manifestations that arise during early-stage dementia; (4) identify common issues that ...

    Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)


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