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Results 1 - 9 of 9 for "scribes"

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  1. Grand Valley State University: Emerging Role on the Interprofessional Team: Medical Scribes in the Emergency Department

    Scribes in the Emergency Department Partners: Grand Valley State University (GVSU) Emergency Care ... medical coders and billers, medical scribes, nurse assistants, nurse practitioners, patient registration ... intervention project places students from the Grand Valley State University Scribe Academy on provider teams at ...

    Site Admin


  2. Kaitlyn Thompson

    Kaitlyn Thompson's picture

    Title: Student at University of Minnesota Duluth College of Pharmacy
    Organization: UMD College of Pharmacy
    Contact: not available

  3. Nexus Summit Workshop 2

    meetings became team-based, rather than role-based, using specific roles (e.g., scribe, leader, time ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  4. In search of joy in practice: a report of 23 high-functioning primary care practices.

    panel management; (3) sharing clerical tasks with collaborative documentation (scribing), nonphysician ...

    Karla Hemesath


  5. Saint Louis University: Clinical Practicum

    teams provider efficiency scribes hospitals competency scoring Focus:  Education ...

    Charles Cho


  6. Saint Louis University: Undergraduate Community Practicum

    population health? 1331 reads Additional Tags (Optional):  competency scoring population health scribes ...

    Charles Cho


  7. Poster Session

    Emerging Role on the Interprofessional Team: Scribes in the Emergency Department Presented by Jeffrey ...

    Sadie Strassman


  8. Presenters

    overseeing the Simulation and Learning Resource Center, the Interprofessional Education office, GVSU Scribe ...

    Sadie Strassman


  9. Care by Design: Integrating Practice and Education in Utah

    home. They take the patients to the exam room, scribe the history in the template and stay in the room ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education
