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Results 1 - 10 of 13 for "patient-centered practice"

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  1. Enhancing interprofessional patient-centered practice for children with autism spectrum disorders: a pilot project with pre-licensure health students

    PubMed URL: 1317 reads Author(s):  Loutzenhiser, Lynn Hadjistavropoulos, Heather Journal Citation:  Journal of Interprofessional Care. 22(4):429-31, 2008 Aug. Lit Review Attributes:  Development or description o ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  2. Getting started...

    collaborative team-based patient-centered practice in a clinical facility? Are there proven initial steps that ...

    Jody S Frost


  3. IPFS: Interprofessional Facilitation Scale

    α: Validity: Factor 1: inter-item correlations =.42 to.64 collaborative patient-centered practice (9 ... facilitation. The tool has two subscales: IP facilitation and collaborative patient centered practice. This ... centered practice (Sargeant et al., 2010) Country Canada Setting Health professionals working with cancer ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  4. Interprofessional Education for Collaborative, Patient-Centred Practice Subject:  Education & Learning Additional Tags (Optional):  patient-centered practice ...

    John Gilbert


  5. Medicine and nursing: A social contract to improve collaboration and patient-centred care? Subject:  Collaborative Practice Additional Tags (Optional):  medicine nursing patient-centered ... practice professionalism ...

    Scott Reeves


  6. Editorial- Introducing the Global Research Interprofessional Network (GRIN)

    patient-centered practice (IECPCP) and the GRIN working group met in Toronto, Canada, in May 2012. Participants ...

    John Gilbert


  7. Key elements of interprofessional education, part 2: factors, processes and outcomes

    Education & Learning Additional Tags (Optional):  patient-centered practice Collaborative Practice ...

    Scott Reeves


  8. A participatory approach to interprofessional education research: Students researching with their peers

    students. It is designed to introduce the notion of collaborative, patient-centered practice early in ...

    Scott Reeves


  9. Development of a scale to measure health professions students' self-efficacy beliefs in interprofessional learning

    Collaborative Patient-Centered Practice". As self-efficacy perceptions are associated with the likelihood ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  10. Key elements for interprofessional education, part 1: the learner, the educator and the learning context

    Education & Learning Additional Tags (Optional):  patient-centered practice Canada pedagogical ...

    Scott Reeves
