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Results 1 - 10 of 55 for "IPEC Competencies"

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  1. IPEC Competency Self-Assessment Tool

     Refinement of the IPEC Competency Self-Assessment Survey: results from a multi-institutional study.  J ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  2. Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC) Competency Survey

    Resource Type:  Tool 18255 reads This version of the IPEC Competency Self-Assessment Tool is ... Subject:  Assessment & Evaluation Education & ... Learning Additional Tags (Optional):  IPEC Competencies Related Outcome:  Knowledge, Skills, Abilities ...

    Kelly Lockeman


  3. Old Dominion University: IPEC Competency #2 Roles and Responsibilities

    Resource Type:  Video 1690 reads This learning activity is grounded in IPEC Competency Two: Roles ...

    Old Dominion University College of Health Science (ODU)


  4. University of New England: Implementing a Clinical Interprofessional Curriculum Based on Patient Centered Medical Home Standards and Integrating IPEC Competencies in a Primary Care Setting

    Based on Patient Centered Medical Home Standards and Integrating IPEC Competencies in a Primary Care ... improvement and population health standards. The learning activities also infuse the IPEC competencies and ...

    Site Admin


  5. IPEC competency scaffolding survey

    interprofessional competencies (IPEC competencies version 3). We hope this framework can be used in the future to ... to inform the researchers on the development of the framework to scaffold IPEC competencies. The ...

    Renée (DeVries) Broughten


  6. IPEC Competency Scaffolding Survey- more user friendly version of survey

    interprofessional competencies (IPEC competencies version 3). We hope this framework can be used in the future to ... to inform the researchers on the development of the framework to scaffold IPEC competencies. The ...

    Renée (DeVries) Broughten


  7. IPEC Competency Scaffolding Survey- more user friendly survey design

    interprofessional competencies (IPEC competencies version 3). We hope this framework can be used in the future to ... to inform the researchers on the development of the framework to scaffold IPEC competencies. The ...

    Renée (DeVries) Broughten


  8. IPEC competencies scaffolding survey

    interprofessional competencies (IPEC competencies version 3). We hope this framework can be used in the future to ... to inform the researchers on the development of the framework to scaffold IPEC competencies. The ...

    Renée (DeVries) Broughten


  9. IPEC Competency Scaffolding Survey- more user friendly survey design

    interprofessional competencies (IPEC competencies version 3). We hope this framework can be used in the future to ... to inform the researchers on the development of the framework to scaffold IPEC competencies. The ...

    Renée (DeVries) Broughten


  10. IPEC competency scaffolding survey

    interprofessional competencies (IPEC competencies version 3). We hope this framework can be used in the future to ... to inform the researchers on the development of the framework to scaffold IPEC competencies. The ...

    Renée (DeVries) Broughten


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