Old Dominion University: IPEC Competency #2 Roles and Responsibilities

Old Dominion University College of Health Science (ODU)'s picture
Submitted by Old Dominion Un... on Jun 7, 2016 - 3:22pm CDT

Resource Type: 

This learning activity is grounded in IPEC Competency Two: Roles and Responsibilities. The purpose of the video is to enhance the student’s knowledge of their own role as well as the roles and contributions of other professions. Therefore, the primary focus of the video is to illustrate how health professionals from various fields impact the health of public as well as individual plans of health care and the resultant health outcomes rather than to highlight the specific details of a patient care conference.

Video Set-up:

The nursing service at Monarch General has requested an interprofessional team meeting for purposes of determining roles that various health professions have contributed and/or will contribute to Althea Gibson's plan of care.  This initial team meeting is for purposes of beginning to establish an effective mode of communication and collaboration among the health professionals. The team wants to begin to communicate with each other; so that they can 1) coordinate Ms. Gibson’s care, 2) establish a formal means of seeking her input regarding her plan of care, and 3) collaborate together to establish mutually agreed upon goals and care-related milestones.  The team’s overall aim is to provide Ms. Gibson with a safe, quality, and satisfying health care experience that helps her to regain her quality of life and health. 

Colleagues from the disciplines of Cytotechnology and Environmental Health, have been invited to the first clinical care team meeting to provide background information and to establish the context for Ms. Gibson’s case.  They will be meeting with providers of athletic training, dental hygiene, nursing, and physical therapy services. This team meeting where the members get to know each other is a first step toward interprofessional collaborative practice.

Kimberly Adams Tufts, Assistant Dean for IPE at Old Dominion University
Collaborative Practice
Education & Learning