IPEC competencies scaffolding survey

Renée (DeVries) Broughten's picture
Submitted by Renée (DeVries)... on Mar 5, 2024 - 8:26am CST

Dear Interprofessional Healthcare Colleagues,


We are reaching out to request your valuable assistance in our research study, titled " Scaffolded framework for interprofessional competencies: A validation study." This Delphi study will be used to create a scaffolded framework of the interprofessional competencies (IPEC competencies version 3). We hope this framework can be used in the future to enhance understanding of dosing of interprofessional education and interprofessional simulation.

Participation in the study is voluntary, and you may decide to stop participation at any time during the survey. A complete consent form is attached to this request for your review. The completion of this survey will help to inform the researchers on the development of the framework to scaffold IPEC competencies.

The estimated time to complete the survey is 10-20 minutes. Please note, this survey is easiest to read on a computer, but can also be completed on a mobile device. We kindly ask that each participant only complete the survey once to ensure accurate data collection.



You have been asked to participate in this study because you are employed at an institution or organization involved in interprofessional education or practice. Please only complete this survey if you have worked collaboratively with other professionals in a health care environment.

Link to Survey: https://stkate.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_elpE3ouJJcXwAse

This study has been approved by the Institutional Review Board of St Catherine University as exempt, approval number #2045.


We appreciate your time and consideration in advance. For more information, please contact either Dr. Kelli Nielsen via email at kanielsen@stkate.edu or Dr. Sarah Beman via email at sbbeman@stkate.edu.


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