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Results 1 - 8 of 8 for "criminal justice"

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  1. Training to improve collaborative practice: a key component of strategy to reduce mental ill health in the offender population

    people in contact with the criminal justice system (e.g. in police custody, in court, in prison) who have ... interface of the mental health services and criminal justice systems has been shown to be particularly ... working endeavour is essential. Within the mental health/criminal justice arena the Bradley Report  in the ...

    Sarah Hean


  2. Interagency Training to Support the Liaison and Diversion Agenda

    people in prison or in contact with the criminal justice system who have mental health issues.  ... Integrated and effective interagency collaboration is required between the criminal justice system and mental ... individuals from the criminal justice systems into mental health services.   Diversion and liaison schemes are ...

    Sarah Hean


  3. Marvin Russette

    Marvin Russette's picture

    Degree & Credential: BS Criminal Justice, AA Addiction Studies, Certificate of Ordination
    Title: Project Director
    Organization: Stone Child College
    Contact: not available

  4. Kimmalla Mitchell

    Kimmalla Mitchell's picture

    Degree & Credential: BS in Criminal Justice
    Title: Project Coordinator
    Organization: University of North Texas
    Contact: not available

  5. Collaboration, Coproduction and Social Innovation

    mental health and criminal justice systems collaborating to develop social innovations to address poor ...

    Sarah Hean


  6. Dr. John Song’s Vision for Health Equity: Dignity in Death and Dying While in Prison

    and co-sponsored by the following U of MN units: The Robina Institute of Criminal Law & Criminal ... Justice, The Program in Health Disparities Research, the Medical School, and the School of Nursing. Source: ...

    Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)


  7. RCS: Relational Coordination Scale

    software firms, financial services, and the criminal justice system in over 15 countries. The RCS is ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  8. Relational Coordination Scale (RCS)

    criminal justice system.  Because it analyzes working relationships between the respondent and ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education
