Hello , I am interested in finding the criteria you have used for tool selection for IPCP practice. How do I access that information . I have the tools you selected . Also , What is the best way to share a tool , we are using and what information would like us to submit with that tool ?
The Safety Organizing Scale was developed by Vogus and Sutcliffe at Indiana University School of Nursing and IU school of Medicine. This is a tool that is robust , valid and reliable . We will be using the measuement tool with the NEPQR grant to cultivate IPCP enviroments both in Acute ACC and...
I have submitted a tool to resourse exchange SOS survey , am I able to edit or upload supportive documents. When will we know if it has been reviewed?
Can we use tools not on national centers list ?
We are going to implement teamstepps , they have 2 tools T-Taq, and T-TPQ , has the center looked...
Hello , I am currently a DNP student and interested in IPCP environments and incorporating coaching principles . Can you provide me with any feedback or resources on this topic .
I am the project manager for a grant cultivating IPCP practice both in Acute ACC and rural health centers , I am...
Is anyone using this tool ?
Are there any assessment tools developed looking at te level of understanding of ICPC practice both in Acute care and Primary health care?
Thank you for your comments.
Julie LaMothe
Results from Vogus and Sutcliffe’s (2007b) cross-sectional analysis present a better understanding of how patient safety correlates with “a mutually reinforcing system of complementary practices” (p...
Is anyone using this tool ?
Are there any assessment tools developed looking at te level of understanding of ICPC practice both in Acute care and Primary health care?
Thank you for your comments....
Hello ,
I am submitting a tool we are currently using with NEPQR grant and the cultivation of IPCP practice at Indiana University School of Nursing and IU School of Medicine and IU Health
Hello , I am currently a DNP student and interested in IPCP environments and incorporating coaching principles . Can you provide me with any feedback or resources on this topic .
I am the project...
Hi I am the grant manager at IU for NEPQR grant
We would like to use th e Safey Organizing Tool for IPCP research . Where do I find your criteria for tools selected. I will provide you with...