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Results 1 - 10 of 222 for "health professions education"

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  1. VIDEO: Strengthening the Connection Between Health Professions Education and Practice (webcast workshop: 11/13/2018)

    National Academies of Medicine Global Forum on Innovation in Health Professions Education and the National ...

    Site Admin


  2. Reflections From the Intersection of Health Professions Education and Clinical Practice: The State of the Science of Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice

    intersection of health professions education and clinical practice, takes stock of the state of the field of ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  3. Reflections from the Intersection of Health Professions Education and Clinical Practice: The State of the Science of Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice

    health professions education and clinical practice, takes stock of the state of the field of ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  4. Health Professions Education: A Bridge to Quality

    professions education, regulation, policy, advocacy, quality, and industry attended the Health Professions ... Resource Type:  Report 2722 reads On June 17-18, 2002 over 150 leaders and experts from health ... Education Summit to discuss and help the committee develop strategies for restructuring clinical education ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  5. Building community: developing skills for interprofessional health professions education and relationship-centered care

    Resource Type:  Conference Paper 2698 reads In 1995, the National League for Nursing commissioned a Panel on Interdisciplinary/Transdisciplinary Education. The focus of the Panel's work was to examine educational issues that transcend the health prof ...

    DeWitt C. Baldwin Jr.


  6. Advancing Health Professions Education Research by Creating a Network of Networks

    networks designed to determine the effectiveness of health professions education and credentialing. ... outcomes, such as competency achievement and credentialing effectiveness, across the health professions ... education continuum will require large multisite research projects and longitudinal studies. Current ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  7. Enhancing Health Professions Education through Technology: Building a Continuously Learning Health System

    use of existing and emerging technologies to enhance health professions education and build ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  8. Rethinking Health Professions Education Through the Lens of Interprofessional Practice and Education

    Resource Type:  Journal Article 1670 reads Using adult learning principles, health professions ... educators are well positioned to create interprofessional learning systems for collaborative, team‐based ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  9. Proceedings of the 6th Congress of Health Professions Educators

    Professions Educators, Community and Commitment, participants wrestled with the definition of a community — is ... Resource Type:  Conference Paper 1651 reads Community and Commitment At the 6th Congress of Health ...

    Association of Academic Health Centers


  10. Continuous quality improvement in health professions education

    introduce continuous quality improvement into interdisciplinary health professions education. Continuous ...

    Madeline H. Schmitt


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