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Results 1 - 10 of 387 for "higher education"

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  1. Building capacity in Australian interprofessional health education: perspectives from key health and higher education stakeholders

    scope the experiences of key stakeholders in health and higher education in relation to the development ... interprofessional health education in Australian higher education were undertaken. Interview data were coded to ... RESULTS: Three themes were identified: the need for common ground between health and higher education ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  2. Conformists or dynamic professionals: what's the current image that students are identifying with as a result of English Allied Health Professional Higher Education programmes?

    greater collaboration between higher educational establishments and clinical partners to ensure students ... Methods Two- Four 50-99 Higher education- 1 institution ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  3. Answering the vexing questions about organizing IPE in higher education

    795 reads ...

    Site Admin


  4. Answering the vexing questions about organizing IPE in higher education

    Resource Type:  Journal Article 2355 reads The road to interprofessional education (IPE) and interprofessional collaborative practice (IPCP) in North America is described as a “long and winding” one. Most in our field are unaware of how long our history t ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  5. Building capacity in Australian interprofessional health education: Perspectives from key health and higher education stakeholders

    in the development and delivery of interprofessional health education in Australian higher education ... ground between health and higher education, constraints and enablers in current practice, and the need ... experience. Accordingly, this study aimed to scope the experiences of key stakeholders in health and higher ...

    Jill Thistlethwaite


  6. Interprofessional learning and higher education structural barriers

    Resource Type:  Journal Article 1364 reads Structural changes need to be made within universities such that interprofessional education for patient-centred collaborative practice becomes a responsibility that crosses faculty jurisdictions and is accepted ...

    John Gilbert


  7. Tools for Advancing Age Inclusivity in Higher Education

    Gerontology in Higher Education designed this toolkit, with support from AARP, to provide resources to advance ... age inclusivity in institutions of higher education. These tools and resources may be adapted to meet ...

    Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)


  8. About the National Center

    of higher education. Ms. Kertz has a Bachelor of Science in mass communication and political science ... Norfolk, Osmond, and Omaha, Nebraska. Dr. Dieter received her Doctor of Education in Adult and Higher ... education from USD, post-master’s certificates in the family nurse practitioner specialty and parent-child ...

    Site Admin


  9. Developing the Nexus System: Aligning Practice Redesign and IPE

    strengthening the Nexus between higher education and health system partners.  5445 reads ...

    Andy Pollen


  10. Amina in the Nexus

    a variety of audiences, including health professionals, health system and higher education leaders, faculty, ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


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