Transforming Interprofessional Partnerships: A New Framework for Nursing and Partnership-Based Health Care

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Submitted by Teddie Potter on Feb 1, 2014 - 11:12am CST

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Transforming Interprofessional Partnerships: A New Framework for Nursing and Partnership-Based Health Care

Transforming Interprofessional Partnerships: A New Framework for Nursing and Partnership-Based Healthcare provides nurses and other health care professionals tools to reexamine the current state of interdisciplinary partnerships and build a more effective, caring, and sustainable health care system, Riane Eisler, systems scientist and human rights attorney, and Teddie Potter, nurse advocate for collaborative care models and inclusivity and diversity in health care, present a structure to shift health care relationships from hierarchies of domination and isolated professions to high-functioning, collaborative teams ready to be full partners with patients, families, communities, and one another. This comprehensive text will benefit nurses by defining and illustrating full partnership in practice, education and research to improve communication and interprofessional collaboration.

  • Co-written by internationally known author, cultural historian, and evolutionary theorist, Riane Eisler, and University of Minnesota Nursing professor Teddie M. Potter
  • User-friendly curriculum and guide for professional development for practicing nurses and other health care professionals
  • The only interprofessional partnership text written form the nursing perspective, providing a model for partnership with patients and other professionals
  • The only text the provides a grounded theory of partnership-also covering partnership with the environment, partnership policy, and partnership at a global level

About the Authors

Riane Eilser, JD, PhD(h)

Riane Eisler, JD, PhD(h), is the President of the Center for Partnership Studies. Dr. Eisler, social theorist, attorney, and author is best known for her internationally acclaimed book, The Chalice and the Blade: Our History, Our Future (1987). More recently her book, The Real Wealth of Nations: Creating a Caring Economy (2008) offers a template for a new economic model that gives adequate value and priority to caring. A survivor of the Holocaust, Riane is a cultural historian and evolutionary theorist who has written numerous books and articles and has received important awards in recognition of her work for human rights and peace, including the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation’s Distinguished Peace Leadership Award.

Teddie M. Potter, PhD, RN

Teddie M. Potter, PhD, RN, is a Clinical Associate Professor, the Coordinator of Doctor of Nursing Practice in Health Innovation and Leadership, and Director of Inclusivity and Diversity at the University of Minnesota, School of Nursing. Dr. Potter speaks nationally and internationally about Partnership Nursing and she is the creator of the BASE of Nursing model. Her critical theory dissertation, Reconstructing a New Story of Nursing: Critical Analysis of Nursing Textbooks Using Riane Eisler’s Partnership Paradigm (2010) deconstructed the history of nursing used by fundamental textbooks to socialize new nurses and reconstructed a more inclusive story of the profession.


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Riane Eisler
Teddie Potter
Collaborative Practice
Patients & Families