MPOC: Measurement of Processes of Care

Olaf Kraus de Camargo's picture
Submitted by Olaf Kraus de C... on Jun 5, 2014 - 2:45pm CDT

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The Measure of Processes of Care (pronounced "em-pock") is a well-validated and reliable self-report measure of parents' perceptions of the extent to which the health services they and their child(ren) receive are family-centred. The original version of MPOC is a 56-item questionnaire; as of 1999 there is a shorter, 20-item version. MPOC has been used internationally in many evaluations of family-centred service.

The MPOC measures and resources developed by CanChild researchers are protected by copyright. Effective immediately, use of these measures by organizations, services or companies within their clinical services, electronic health systems or within electronic records requires permission from CanChild and a paid licensing agreement. Please complete this form to request a licensing agreement.

The purpose of the MPOC is to assess parents' perceptions of the care they and their children receive from children's rehabilitation treatment centres. It is a means to assess family-centred behaviours of health care providers.

It has been validated on samples of parents whose children range in age from 0 to 17+ years and who had a variety of neurodevelopmental disabilities or maxillofacial disorders.

MPOC contains 56 items which have five factor analytically determined scales: Enabling and Partnership Providing General Information Providing Specific Information about the Child Coordinated and Comprehensive Care for the Child and Family Respectful and Supportive Care

Various studies of MPOC-56's reliability and validity have been conducted. These demonstrated good internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha ranging from .63 to .96) and test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficients ranging from .78 to .88). Validity has been shown with: (a) positive correlations between MPOC scale scores and a measure of satisfaction, and (b) negative correlations between MPOC scale scores and a measure of the stress experienced by parents when dealing with their child's treatment centre. Also, responses to MPOC indicate that various components of service provision are experienced differently by parents, with data showing variations across scale scores by both individuals and groups of parent respondents.

For each item parents respond to a common question: "To what extent do the people who work with your child...".A 7-point response scale is used, with the following response options available: 7 indicated that the service provider engaged in this behaviour "to a very great extent", 6 = "to a great extent", 5 = "to a fairly great extent", 4 = "to a moderate extent", 3 = "to a small extent", 2 = "to a very small extent", and 1 = "not at all". A score of 0 indicated that the item was "not applicable".

A respondent's data yield five scores, one for each of the factors or scales. There is no total score. A scale score is obtained by computing the average of the items' ratings. Instructions for scoring are included in the manual. Programming statements for use with SPSS-PC+ are available from the first author.

The MPOC survey takes 15-20 minutes for most parents to complete.

Reliability and validity of MPOC-56 as a discriminative measure have been demonstrated.

MPOC measures parents' perceptions of important aspects of care on a specific behavioural level, and is a very useful tool for program evaluation. It is a theoretically sound measure of family-centred service. The scales fit well with the key constructs about caregiving found in the literature that are fundamental to family-centredness and are associated with client outcomes. MPOC has wide applicability. Over 1600 parents from across the province of Ontario have been involved in its development. Both mothers and fathers have participated, and their children were receiving a variety of services and were not limited to any specific diagnostic categories. Parents have found MPOC to be user-friendly with simple instructions and lay language. As a self-administered questionnaire, it is very suitable for mailed surveys and use in clinic settings, without the need of an interviewer. You may reprint/copy the questionnaire for use as many times as needed. It is not necessary to purchase additional forms from the authors. You may also be interested in viewing the following journal articles:


Distribution and Translation of MPOC-56 & MPOC-20:

CanChild grants permission for use of this document, on completion of a licensing agreement and receipt of full payment. If you do decide to use this measure, please maintain all of its content and any references to CanChild, authors, copyright information, etc. as they currently appear. Please do not change either the scaling of the response options or the sense of the items, because the measurement properties of the instrument are based entirely on using the measure the way it was originally designed and field tested. Please contact us at for any minor changes you may be considering.

The MPOC-56 is available in Dutch, Hebrew and Japanese.To license any of these translated measures please complete the licensing agreement below.

The MPOC-20 is available in Arabic, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Latvian, Portuguese (Portugal), Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Traditional Chinese (Taiwanese Context). To license any of these translated measures please complete the licensing agreement below.

Should you wish to have the MPOC translated and linguistically validated into languages other than those specified above it may be done in accordance with McMaster protocol and at your cost. Copyright of any translated material will remain the property of McMaster. For translation protocol and review fees please contact

Reference for the manual: King, S., Rosenbaum, P., & King, G. (1995). The Measure of Processes of Care: A means to assess family-centred behaviours of health care providers. Hamilton, ON: McMaster University, Neurodevelopmental Clinical Research Unit

King, S.
Rosenbaum, P.
King, G.
Patients & Families
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