Webinar: An Actionable Tool for the Interprofessional Team to Improve the Patient Experience

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Submitted by National Center... on Nov 21, 2018 - 9:14am CST

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The Net Promoter System, used in many industries to gain customer loyalty and grow business, is also in use at UnitedHealth Group where the Center for Clinician Advancement (CFCA) implements learning, development and collaborative efforts to encourage interprofessional collaborative practice team development that improves quality of care for health care consumers.  UnitedHealth Group uses the Net Promoter System (NPS) enterprise wide to improve the health care consumer experience. This endeavor in a large health benefits and services company requires the team of health care professionals to collaborate and coordinate efforts with the health care consumers, their caregivers, providers and community.

NPS is in part a measurement system and also supports clinicians and their leaders in refining strategies to improve the way they collaborate with the focus on the health care consumer: It was created to motivate employees in their interactions with the consumers and measure the impact. NPS is a foundation to active quality improvement project work that focuses on improving health care consumer satisfaction. This can be replicated in other health care organizations. Attendees will gain the knowledge and understanding of how NPS is a method to focus interprofessional teams on improving the health care consumer experience.


*****This webinar is still available for individual learning, but CE credit is no longer available.*****




Please access and use the following tools:

- NPS Maturity Map

- Journey Mapping Best Practice

- Huddle Information

- Link to Greta video



After completing the module, please complete this evaluation: https://umn.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_7QD4YHJl1XhCSzz

UnitedHealth Group Center for Clinician Advancement
Jeanne Gibson
Jennifer K. Meyer
Assessment & Evaluation
Collaborative Practice
Communities & Population Health
Patients & Families