Sensory Functioning and the Remote Assessment of Biological and Performance Measures in the National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project (NSHAP)

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Submitted by Minnesota North... on Feb 22, 2021 - 9:45am CST

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This GSA webinar (1:00:34 minutes) presented by Dr. Jayant Pinto, Dr. Martha K. McClintock, Dr. L. Philip Schumm, and Dr. Louise Hawkley (all from the University of Chicago) describes how data from the National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project (NSHAP) - a longitudinal population-based study of health and social factors that aims to understand the well-being of older, community dwelling Americans - have been used to examine the role of specific and global sensory deficits in predicting aging health outcomes such as cognitive decline and mortality. The presenters also describe a range of biological and performance measures that NSHAP has developed or modified for remote (self-) administration along with preliminary data regarding their feasiblity and quality. (Presentation begins at 1:21 minutes.)

Source: Gerontological Society of America, 2020.

Gerontological Society of America (GSA)
Communities & Population Health
Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection