National Center Education and Training Portfolio 2017-2018: Webinar

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Submitted by National Center... on Jul 12, 2017 - 3:58pm CDT

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On July 12, 2017, Barbara Brandt presented the roll-out of the National Center's comprehensive education and training portfolio, developed through key organizational partnerships and in response to the pressing needs we are seeing in IPE today. 

In the first part of the webinar presentation, Barbara gave a snapshot of the "National Center 2.0," or our strategic areas of focus moving into our fifth and six years of operations, based upon what we are learning. In the second PDF, Barbara outlines the education and training resources - both free and fee-based - that have been developed to help IPE students, faculty, and practitioners across the country in their IPE initiatives.

Barbara F. Brandt
Assessment & Evaluation
Collaborative Practice
Education & Learning
The Nexus