Merging of Relevant IPE Themes from a Longitudinal Curriculum to Create a Capstone Project

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Submitted by National Center... on Dec 1, 2015 - 10:53am CST

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Poster presentation from CAB 2015 by University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

592 student participated in a year long Interprofessional Education and Development course-2 hour sessions for 16 weeks. Sessions were based on the four IPEC competencies. The purpose of the capstone session was to allow sutdents to demonstrate their integration and synthesis of key concepts taught during didactic sessions.

Students perceived the capstone project to be an adequate way of demonstrating their knowledge and skills around key concepts within the competency domains. Students found the capstone session required them to synthesize and integrate information obtained from individual sessions taught throughout the year. This data is based on student self-perception; therefore, further assessment of the final capstone project products would allow for more objective measurement of the knowledge and skills of the students in applying key concepts.

The data suggests that a capstone project incorporating the four IPEC domains in a team based learning environment is an effective learning tool in the institution.



Darcy Solanyk
Mark Earnest
Jackie Glover
Kari Franson
Diane Brunson
Amy Nordon-Craft
Karen Gorton
Wendy S. Madigosky
Amy Barton
Assessment & Evaluation
Education & Learning
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