Health professionals for the 21st century: A students' view

National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education's picture
Submitted by National Center... on Nov 11, 2014 - 3:09pm CST

Resource Type: 
Journal Article

The report of the Global Commission on Education of Health Professionals for the 21st Century, in The Lancet, calls for a new era of professional education. The production of this report was a tall task, and we applaud the commissioners for taking on such a challenge. Its publication has the potential to profoundly change the way we train future health professionals.

Students, such as us, can play a vital role in implementing the recommendations of this report. The report highlights the importance of the instructional and institutional recommendations for students, the necessity of involving students within the entire process, and the possible courses of action taken by students on either a personal or organisational level.

We endorse the instructional reforms laid out by the commission, including the proposed inclusive approach to competencies, because it is crucial to tackle the obstacles of the 21st century.

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Florian L. Stigler
Robbert J. Duvivier
Margot Weggemans
Helmut J.F. Salzer
Collaborative Practice
Education & Learning