Effect of a Dementia Friends Information Session on Health Professional Students' Attitudes and Knowledge Related to Dementia

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Submitted by Minnesota North... on Apr 25, 2023 - 4:14pm CDT

Resource Type: 
Journal Article

This article discusses the Dementia Friends (DF) initiative which is part of a global movement to improve the way people think, act, and talk about dementia. The impact of these sessions on the dementia-related knowledge and attitudes of health professional trainees has not been adequately assessed. Health professional students participated in one-hour DF information sessions, offered in-person or via videoconference. The Dementia Attitudes Scale (DAS), a validated 20-item questionnaire, was administered before and after each session. Students’ dementia-friendly action plans were analyzed qualitatively. Students’ dementia-friendly action plans included improving communication, promoting quality of life, and learning more about dementia. The DF information session model significantly increased the knowledge and positive attitudes of health professional students toward those living with dementia.

Source: Minnesota Northstar GWEP, 2022

Michelle J. Berning
Amy Parkinson
Katelyn M. Tessier
Laura Pejsa
Teresa C. McCarthy
Edward R. Ratner
Communities & Population Health
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Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection