Shared decision making models to inform an interprofessional perspective on decision making: a theory analysis

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Submitted by National Center... on Mar 14, 2014 - 11:14am CDT

OBJECTIVE: To conduct a theory analysis of shared decision making (SDM) conceptual models and determine the extent to which the models are relevant to interprofessional collaboration in clinical practice.

METHODS: Theory analysis of SDM models identified from three systematic reviews and personal files. Eligible publications: model of SDM; described concepts with relational statements. Two independently appraised models.

RESULTS: Of 54 publications, 15 unique models included 18 core concepts. Of two models that included more than one health professional collaborating with the patient, one included 3 of 10 elements of interprofessional collaboration and the other included 1 element. Fourteen were rated as having no logical fallacies, 10 as parsimonious, 7 had been empirically tested, 4 provided testable hypotheses, and 3 described the development process.

CONCLUSION: Most SDM models failed to encompass an interprofessional approach. Those that included at least two professionals met few of the elements of interprofessional collaboration and had limited description of SDM processes. Although models were rated as logically adequate and parsimonious, only half were tested and few were developed using an explicit process.

PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: Appraisal of SDM models highlights the need for a model that is more inclusive of an interprofessional approach.

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Stacey, Dawn
Legare, France
Pouliot, Sophie
Kryworuchko, Jennifer
Dunn, Sandy
Journal Citation: 
Patient Education & Counseling. 80(2):164-72, 2010 Aug.