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Results 1 - 10 of 42 for "Trauma"

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  1. Assessing teamwork in the trauma bay: Introduction of a modified "NOTECHS" scale for trauma

    scale for trauma (T-NOTECHS) was developed to teach and assess teamwork skills of multidisciplinary ... trauma resuscitation teams. In this study, T-NOTECHS was evaluated for reliability and correlation with ... training and during actual trauma resuscitations. RESULTS: For T-NOTECHS ratings done in real time, ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  2. "Aging with a History of Trauma: Strategies to Provide Person-Centered, Trauma-Informed Care to Older Adults and Family Caregivers"

    and volunteering in the US aging services sector on how to deliver person-centered, trauma ... -informed care to Holocaust survivors, older adults with a history of trauma, and family caregivers. It was ... Survivor Care and Institute on Aging and Trauma, Jewish Federations of North America, 2023 ...

    Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)


  3. Evaluating the long-term impact of the Trauma Team Training course in Guyana: an explanatory mixed-methods approach

    BACKGROUND: We evaluated the retention of trauma knowledge and skills after an interprofessional ... Trauma Team Training (TTT) course in Guyana and explored the course impact on participants. METHODS: ... A mixed-methods design evaluated knowledge using a multiple-choice quiz test, skills and trauma moulage simulation ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  4. Effects of nationwide training of multiprofessional trauma teams in norwegian hospitals

    BACKGROUND: Norway has 50 trauma hospitals serving a geographically disperse population (4.6 ... million) and many have low trauma case loads. We showed that personnel find functioning as a team ... trauma team performance, controlling for hospital size and the participants' previous experience. ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  5. Integration of pharmacy students within a level II trauma center

    OBJECTIVE: To integrate fourth-year doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) students within a level II trauma ... included approximately 5 weeks working on an interprofessional trauma team. During patient rounds with the ... interprofessional trauma team, students provided patient care in a stepwise approach, drug information responses, ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  6. Keeping the spirit high: why trauma team training is (sometimes) implemented

    BACKGROUND: Systematic and multiprofessional trauma team training using simulation was introduced ... why only some hospitals achieved implementation of regular trauma team training, despite the ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  7. Effective teamwork in trauma management.

    969 reads Author(s):  Frakes, Patricia; Neely, Iain; Tudoe, Robert Journal Citation:  Emergency Nurse. 17(8):12-7, 2009 Dec. Lit Review Attributes:  Universal Coverage Qualitative Methods Assessment/evaluation of IP program UK Healthcare practice- 1 site ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  8. An Example of Interventional Audiology in an Interprofessional Post-Trauma Clinic

    in an inter-professional setting affecting the care of trauma patients on the day of services and in ... the future to improve recovery and reduce future trauma. In addition, we provide data that illustrate ... Pittsburgh Medical Center) Post-Trauma outpatient clinic that highlights interventional audiology on the day ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  9. University of Pittsburgh: Non-physician Led, Interprofessional Teams in a Trauma Clinic

    Intervention: Non-physician Led, Interprofessional Teams in a Trauma Clinic Partners: University of Pittsburgh ... Medical Center (UPMC) Falk Trauma Clinic UPMC Office of Advanced Practice Providers UPMC Donald D. Wolff, ... comprehensive care plans and provide patient care.  The UPMC Falk Trauma Clinic utilizes an APP-led team of ...

    Site Admin


  10. Historical and Contemporary Trauma in African American Communities

    overview of the historical trauma and resilience of the African American community in Minnesota as well as ... provide helpful strategies in trauma-informed care with older adults. Source: Minnesota Northstar GWEP, ... trauma Collections:  Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection ...

    Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)


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