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Results 1 - 10 of 12 for "Recreational Therapy"

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  1. Standards for the Practice of Recreational Therapy

    Resource Type:  Tool 5226 reads The ATRA Standards for the Practice of Recreational Therapy & ... manual was written in a format that provides a comprehensive description of recreational therapy ... satisfaction, etc.) resulting from recreational therapy practice. Author(s):  American Therapeutic Recreation ...

    Kelly Ramella


  2. Interprofessional Education and Practice: Perspectives from Students in Speech-Language Pathology and Recreational Therapy

    and four from recreational therapy(RT), during focus groups and discussion forums conducted before, ... Collaborative Practice Additional Tags (Optional):  Recreational Therapy Speech Therapy ...

    Shelly Bates


  3. American Therapeutic Recreation Association Code of Ethics

    Code applies to all Recreational Therapy personnel. The term Recreational Therapy personnel includes ... Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialists (CTRS), recreational therapy assistants and recreational ... Subject:  Ethics Additional Tags (Optional):  Recreation Therapy Therapeutic Recreation ...

    Kelly Ramella


  4. Heather Bright

    Heather Bright's picture

    Degree & Credential: Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS), Bachelor of Science in Therapeutic Recreation, Master of Science in Recreational Therapy Administration, Aquatic Therapy Certificate
    Title: Instructor, Recreational Therapy
    Organization: Slippery Rock University
    Contact: not available

  5. Penny Maas

    Penny Maas's picture

    Degree & Credential: CTRS-BH
    Title: Director Recreation Therapy
    Organization: Quail Run Behavioral Health
    Contact: not available

  6. allison wilder

    allison wilder's picture

    Degree & Credential: PhD, CTRS/L
    Title: Associate Professor
    Organization: University of New Hampshire
    Contact: not available

  7. MaryJo Archambault

    MaryJo Archambault's picture

    Degree & Credential: CTRS; EdD
    Title: Associate Professor; Program Coordinator for Recreation Therapy
    Organization: Southern Connecticut State University
    Contact: not available

  8. Mary Principe

    Mary Principe's picture

    Degree & Credential: B.S. in Recreation Therapy, CTRS
    Title: Recreational Therapist
    Organization: Regional Institute for Children and Adolescents
    Contact: not available

  9. ATHCT: Attitudes Toward Health Care Teams Scale

    Dietetics, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Recreation Therapy, Speech Therapy, Optometry, Pharmacy, Podiatry and ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  10. Interprofessional Education and Experiences Within Therapeutic Recreation Education Subject:  Education & Learning Additional Tags (Optional):  Recreational Therapy Therapeutic ... manuscript is to introduce the concept of IPE and highlight IPE in therapeutic recreation/ recreational ... therapy education. Three programs in Canada and the United States incorporate IPE in their programs: The ...

    Kelly Ramella
