Standards for the Practice of Recreational Therapy

Kelly Ramella's picture
Submitted by Kelly Ramella on May 8, 2017 - 10:42am CDT

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The ATRA Standards for the Practice of Recreational Therapy & Self-Assessment Guide, published in 2013, consists of 12 standards and the Self-Assessment Guide (SOP/SAG).  The manual was written in a format that provides a comprehensive description of recreational therapy practice, consistent with requirements of accrediting and regulatory agencies and quality recreational therapy practice. Each of the 12 standards include a rational and structure criteria, which reflects the parameters of practice  (facilities, resources etc); process criteria, which focus on the provision of services (practitioner-patient/client interaction, intervention strategies, etc.) and outcome criteria, which reflects the achievement or change in patient/client condition (improved functional level, satisfaction, etc.) resulting from recreational therapy practice.

American Therapeutic Recreation Association
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