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Results 1 - 10 of 26 for "lifestyle"

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  1. Geriatric ECHO: Lifestyle Medicine in Older Adults

    discusses lifestyle medicine in older adults. By the end of the presentation, learners should be able to: ... (1) list the 6 pillars of lifestyle medicine; (2) differentiate key areas within lifestyle medicine ... that change with age; (3) assess the 6 pillars of lifestyle medicine in older patients; and (4) ...

    Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)


  2. Modifiable Lifestyle Factors and Healthy Cognitive Aging

    discusses modifiable lifestyle factors for healthy cognitive aging. By the end of the presentation, learners ... should be able to: (1) list modifiable lifestyle practices that impact brain health; (2) explain how ... modifiable lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise can produce overlapping effects; and (3) discuss how ...

    Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)


  3. A Discussion of Recent Evidence for Lifestyle Risk Factors for Dementia

    Drake in which he discusses lifestyle risk factors for dementia. Main points of the presentation ...

    Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)


  4. Dementia Prevention and Brain Health

    and expert opinion showcasing that lifestyle interventions may be effective in slowing cognitive ... decline and even preventing dementia; helping patients develop and maintain a brain-healthy lifestyle that ... lifestyles. Author(s):  Nicole Cook Raymond Ownby Link to Resource:  ...

    Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)


  5. Kristen Neises

    Kristen Neises's picture

    Degree & Credential: APRN, FNP-C, DipACLM
    Title: Director of Lifestyle Medicine/Faculty
    Organization: University of Louisville Trager Institute
    Contact: not available

  6. Ushotanefe Useh

    Ushotanefe Useh's picture

    Degree & Credential: B.Sc.(physiotherapy) MEd (Exercise Physiology). PhD (Sociology of Health), FHEA
    Title: Professor and Director of Lifestyle Diseases Research Entity
    Organization: North West University, Mafikeng Campus, South Africa
    Contact: not available

  7. Risk reduction of cognitive decline and dementia

    delaying and/or preventing cognitive decline and dementia through lifestyle behaviors and interventions. ...

    Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)


  8. 10 Ways to Love Your Brain

    ways to adopt lifestyle habits that may reduce the risk for cognitive decline. Source: Alzheimer's ...

    Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)


  9. English- Dysphagia (Swallowing Difficulty) and Aging: Caregiver Empowerment Series

    lifestyle changes to consider when trying to avoid dysphagia. Source: JABSOM Geriatric Medicine, 2017. ...

    Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)


  10. Healthy Aging: Tips, Tricks, and Evidence

    improving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle and body while aging are discussed. Author(s):  Corinne Self ...

    Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)
