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Results 1 - 10 of 71 for "learning outcomes"

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  1. Learning outcomes for interprofessional education (IPE): Literature review and synthesis

    we searched the literature to explore defined learning outcomes for interprofessional education ... the way learning outcomes are presented but there are many similarities between specific outcomes ... objectives. Our findings have been integrated into a list of learning outcomes with six categories for further ...

    Jill Thistlethwaite


  2. Interprofessional Education: What Measurable Learning Outcomes Are Realistic for the Physician Assistant Profession?

    Resource Type:  Journal Article 1852 reads This multi-institutional study examines changes in physician assistant student attitudes at program entry and at graduation, using the RIPLS and IEPS, and discusses implications for IPE curricula and theimportanc ...

    Desiree Lie


  3. "Knowing more about the other professions clarified my own profession".

    The purpose of this study was to compare which learning outcomes relating to an Interprofessional ... Furthermore, they were asked to fill out a 12-item questionnaire. The statements concerning learning outcome ... "uniprofessionalism" as the most important learning outcome followed by "interprofessionalism", ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  4. Community and Resources

    conference? Or an assessment tool for interprofessional learning outcomes? Find it, ask a question about it ...

    Site Admin


  5. "Knowing more about the other professions clarified my own profession"

    describing the most important learning outcomes from the ITU. Alumni from the same cohort were after ... statements concerning learning outcome were analysed qualitatively and categorized. The number of statements ... Students stated "uniprofessionalism" as the most important learning outcome followed by ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  6. Griffith Health Framework for Interprofessional Learning

    Framework includes 12 threshold learning outcomes, a threephase programmatic pedagogical model and ... learning outcomes pedagogy accreditation Collections:  ANZAHPE ...

    Jill Romeo


  7. Collaborative Care Curriculum Framework

    Faculty wide consensus on interprofessional learning outcomes is described in this article. This resource ... makes explicit the learning outcomes required at each level of student training. Professions/Disciplines ... University Collaborative Care Curriculum Framework Student Learning Outcomes handout. Author(s):  Bronwyn ...

    Jill Romeo


  8. Interprofessional education and the basic sciences: Rationale and outcomes

    patient outcomes and the quality of care. Interprofessional learning outcomes and interprofessional ... explicit interprofessional learning outcomes plus the content and process of the learning. ... Learning Additional Tags (Optional):  curriculum development learning outcomes gross anatomy ...

    Jill Thistlethwaite


  9. Comparing evaluation responses of an IPE initiative in nursing and medical programmes

    from students in undergraduate nursing and medicine programmes about the learning outcomes of an ... valued the learning outcomes, and this was greater at the end of the session. Notably, the perceived ... learning outcomes Collections:  ANZAHPE ...

    Jill Romeo


  10. Transcripts

    whether, though the IPE is minaly extracurricular, there are any mandatory learning outcomes in your ...

    Jill Thistlethwaite


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