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Results 1 - 10 of 26 for "interprofessional research"

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  1. University of South Dakota to Lead Statewide Efforts for National Interprofessional Research Partnership

    will serve as the hub for interprofessional research occurring throughout South Dakota. Partners from ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  2. Expanding interprofessional research in the United Kingdom: A new national research group

    CAIPE to consider the present state of interprofessional research and scholarship amongst its membership ... activities to facilitate an expansion of interprofessional research in the UK. Author(s):  Chris Green Liz ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  3. Key trends in interprofessional research: A macrosociological analysis from 1970 to 2010

    Resource Type:  Journal Article 1013 reads The field of interprofessional research has grown both ... indication of what we argue is a growing legitimacy of the field of interprofessional research as a scholarly ...

    Scott Reeves


  4. IPE Centers, Programs and Initiatives

      The commitment to interprofessional practice and education is taking hold across the United States. Educational institutions and health systems are implementing a variety of organizational models to support the advancement of interprofessional practice ...

    Site Admin


  5. Development of an interprofessional and interdisciplinary collaborative research practice for clinical faculty

    limited experience in team science or being a member of an interprofessional research team. The underlying ... factors for developing the interprofessional research practice and the skills to participate in an ... interprofessional research team. We believe that this innovative interprofessional faculty research fellowship is ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  6. South Dakotan Health: IP Research Incubator and IPEC

    Dakota School of Health Sciences featured two IPE projects at USD Interprofessional Research Incubator at ...

    South Dakota Nexus


  7. Nexus 2017 Post-Conference Workshops

    Center for Academic Strategic Partnerships for Interprofessional Research and Education MORNING SESSION ...

    Charles Cho


  8. John A. Owen

    John A. Owen's picture

    Degree & Credential: EdD, MSc
    Title: Associate Director, Center for Academic Strategic Partnerships for Interprofessional Research and Education (ASPIRE), Assistant Professor
    Organization: University of Virginia School of Nursing
    Contact: not available

  9. Scott Reeves

    Scott Reeves's picture

    Degree & Credential: PhD, MSc, PGCE, BSc
    Title: Professor in Interprofessional Research; Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Interprofessional Care
    Organization: Kingston University & St George's, University of London
    Contact: not available

  10. Recognizing and rewarding collaborative researchers

    interprofessional research support ...

    Madeline H. Schmitt


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