I am a social scientist who has been undertaking health professions education and health services research for over 20 years. Currently, I am Professor in Interprofessional Research, Centre for Health and Social Care Research, Kingston and St George’s, University of London, UK. For the past six years I have served as Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Interprofessional Care. Originally from the UK, I spent a decade in North America, initially in Canada (University of Toronto) and also in the USA (University of California). My main interests are focused on developing conceptual, empirical and theoretical knowledge to inform the design and implementation of interprofessional education and practice activities. To date, I have received grants from a range of funding bodies across the world. I have also published numerous peer-reviewed papers, book chapters, textbooks, editorials and monographs. Increasingly, my publications have been translated from English into other languages including French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Norwegian and Russian.