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Results 1 - 10 of 166 for "Feedback"

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  1. Individual Teamwork Observation and Feedback Tool (iTOFT)

    a way to provide meaningful feedback to students and novice professionals. It was developed through ... Feedback Tool (iTOFT): Development and description of a new teamwork measure.   J Interprof Care, 30(4): ... feedback) Response Process:  The initial version (called iSTAT) was field tested at five sites. Data were ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  2. AIHC Interprofessional Educator Nomination Form


    and feedback to improve student learning Uses knowledge, skills, and literature to advocate ...

    Sean Diego Johnson


  3. Introducing the individual Teamwork Observation and Feedback Tool (iTOFT): Development and description of a new interprofessional teamwork measure

    Resource Type:  Journal Article 2609 reads The individual Teamwork Observation and Feedback Tool ... observing and giving feedback to individual learners undertaking an interprofessional teamwork task. It was ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  4. Patient responders will be sharing their feedback and perspectives throughout the Nexus Summit. Learn more about our patient responders.

    385 reads ...

    Site Admin


  5. ICAR: Reliability of the interprofessional collaborator assessment rubric in multi source feedback (MSF) with post-graduate medical residents

    Rubric (ICAR) in a multi-source feedback (MSF) process for assessing post-graduate medical ... approach to providing formative feedback to post-graduate medical residents on collaborator competencies. ... multi-source feedback medical students Medical education interprofessional relations ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  6. Does source matter? Nurses' and Physicians' perceptions of interprofessional feedback

    Resource Type:  Journal Article 1563 reads Objective Receptiveness to interprofessional feedback ... resident physicians perceive feedback from people within and outside their own professional group. Methods ... physicians wrote anonymous performance feedback for each participant. Participants each received a survey ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  7. The interprofessional teaching observation program: a faculty development workshop on peer feedback on interprofessional teaching

    practice workshop designed to train faculty to conduct a peer-teaching observation and provide feedback ... interprofessional teaching differs from uniprofessional teaching, discusses elements of effective feedback, and ... watch videos of different teaching scenarios and role-play as a peer observer providing feedback to the ...

    Maria Wamsley


  8. Feedback

    Hi everyone who is looking at this book- we the authors would love some feedback on chapters! ...

    Jill Thistlethwaite


  9. Assessment & Evaluation Start

    peer-reviewed journals Report psychometric data beyond user feedback and content validity Are broadly applicable ...

    Site Admin


  10. Amina in the Nexus

    us know if you have feedback on these items or suggestions for additional content. Our goal is to ... this  brief evaluation form. Your feedback will help inform future initiatives   About Amina ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


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