The interprofessional teaching observation program: a faculty development workshop on peer feedback on interprofessional teaching
Submitted by Maria Wamsley on Mar 7, 2022 - 11:59am CST
This resource is an interactive 3-hour didactic and skills practice workshop designed to train faculty to conduct a peer-teaching observation and provide feedback focused on interprofessional teaching. The didactic portion of the workshop focuses on the ways that interprofessional teaching differs from uniprofessional teaching, discusses elements of effective feedback, and reviews the critical steps of a peer-teaching observation. In the skills practice portion, participants watch videos of different teaching scenarios and role-play as a peer observer providing feedback to the instructor in the videos.
This resource includes all of the materials to conduct a similar workshop, including video re-enactments of interprofessional teaching in classroom-based small groups and clinical rounds in both the outpatient and inpatient settings.
Rivera J, Brock T, Eubank K, Kuo A, Wamsley M. The interprofessional teaching observation program: a faculty development workshop on peer feedback of interprofessional teaching. MedEdPORTAL. 2022;18:11231.
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