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Results 1 - 10 of 465 for "facilitators"

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  1. Learning is in the facilitation: faculty perspectives with facilitated teaching and learning-recommendations from informal discussions

    to facilitate and debrief. Approximately 250 students from seven health professions were enrolled in ... perspectives with facilitative teaching as well as for feedback and improvement strategies. Recommendations ... order to validate the course content and thereby increase student engagement; creation of facilitator ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  2. Developing interprofessional facilitators and leaders: Utilization of advanced health profession students as interprofessional (IPE) facilitators

    advanced students (dentistry, medicine, pharmacy, and occupational therapy) to be facilitators for ... interprofessional small groups and evaluate them compared to faculty facilitators. Methods The Interprofessional ... Leadership and Facilitation Course was developed as a way to provide advanced students with an opportunity to ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  3. Preceptors in the Nexus Toolkit

    active-learning materials and facilitator guides for face-to-face workshops for preceptor development ... Interprofessional Collaboration Madness to Methods Facilitating Interprofessional Discussions: Best Practices Role ... facilitating interprofessional discussions, and enhancing interprofessional practice and education at your ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  4. AIHC Interprofessional Educator Nomination Form


    committees, administrators, and assessment professionals to facilitate IPE in the curriculum.   Develop ...

    Sean Diego Johnson


  5. IPFS: Interprofessional Facilitation Scale

    education facilitation to aid educators shifting from the more didactic teacher role to the more interactive ... facilitator-of-learning role which requires effort and skill acquisition. This scale can quantify the necessary skillset ... by evaluating facilitation skills and competencies. The  Interprofessional Education (IPE) ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  6. Development and testing of a scale to assess interprofessional education (IPE) facilitation skills

    requires specific facilitation skills to engage participants in a unique body of content, interpersonal ... Interprofessional Facilitation Scale (IPFS), to assess educators' skills in facilitating IPE. METHODS: ... Following participation in an Interprofessional Facilitator Development Program, facilitators provided ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  7. Merging social networking environments and formal learning environments to support and facilitate interprofessional instruction

    facilitate social networking during their interprofessional education. Results suggest that students in an ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  8. The team builder: the role of nurses facilitating interprofessional student teams at a Swedish clinical training ward

    teams with the support of facilitators. The professional composition of the team of facilitators usually ... corresponds to that of the students. However, previous studies have revealed that nurse facilitators are often ... in the majority, responsible for student nurses' profession specific facilitation as well as ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  9. Neophyte facilitator experiences of interprofessional education: implications for faculty development

    The facilitation of learners from different professional groups requires a range of ... facilitators who have typically gained expertise through 'hands-on' involvement in facilitating IPE ... demand for IPE, a larger number of facilitators are needed. However, empirical evidence regarding ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


  10. Using an online case conference to facilitate interprofessional learning

    This article describes an online learning activity used to facilitate interprofessional learning in ...

    National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education


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