Call for Abstracts

Call for Abstracts
Nexus Summit 2017 Call for Abstracts has closed

The National Center invited interested parties to submit abstracts for the 2017 Nexus Summit in three different areas: skills-based workshops, Nexus Fair presentations, and poster sessions. 

  1. Skills-Based Workshop
    • 90-minute active-learning, skills-based workshops by National Center affiliated programs that are collecting data to contribute to the collective IPE knowledge base. This submission is for National Center affiliated programs only.
  2. Nexus Fair Presentations
    • An interactive, solutions-based learning environment designed to facilitate synergy of complex initiatives and organizations that share a deep passion and commitment to improved experiences, outcomes and costs in both health care and education. Two 60-minute presentation options include:
      • Showcase Presentations with Consultation Kiosk - Opportunity to share practical, skills-based information, tools and resources with a small group of up to 30 individuals. Audience interaction and Q&A is strongly encouraged
      • Resource Exchange - share session demonstrating interprofessional tools, educational modules, and other practical resources that may be of interest and value to your colleagues.
  3. Poster Session
    • A new Nexus Summit opportunity this year for individuals or organizations to present data, outcomes, and evidence resulting from interprofessional practice and education initiatives in a 60 minute poster session. Poster submissions from students are welcomed and encouraged!

Proposal Submission Calendar:

Milestone Timeframe
Call for abstracts and online submission portal open January 13, 2017
Call for abstracts closes March 6, 2017
Notifications to all lead presenters April 10, 2017
Skill-based Workshops

Workshops are intended to showcase National Center-affiliated programs that are collecting data to contribute to the collective IPE knowledge base. Workshop leaders will offer practical tips and will convey specific knowledge, skills and/or competencies. Workshops will be held August 21 and 22, 2017.

The workshops should address one or more of the following topics:

  • Getting to Know Each Other: How do you get started? What are tips for streamlining and supporting various stakeholders in health to work and learn together? What approaches make a difference in achieving learning and health outcomes?
  • Promoting Teamwork, Patient Safety, and Quality Improvement in Interprofessional Practice and Education: How can interprofessional practice and education leverage what is known about teamwork education to achieve outcomes that reflect better overall health and stronger clinical experiences at a lower cost? What are you learning about teaching patient safety and quality improvement?
  • Access to Care: For underserved and rural populations, how is your Nexus project improving quality of experience for patients/people, families, communities and learners; sharing responsibility for achieving health outcomes and improving education; and reducing cost and adding value in health care delivery and education? What are new and practical tips for effective IPE?
  • Linking Outcomes to Reducing Costs in Health Care and/or Education: The highest goal for interprofessional practice and education is to demonstrate added value of learners (e.g. students, residents, health professionals with patients/people, families and communities) to practice. How is your project demonstrating this value in your work with the National Center? And, how are you engaging your own constituents to advance your work locally?
Nexus Fair

The Nexus Fair is an interactive, solutions-based learning environment. It is designed to facilitate synergy of complex initiatives and organizations that share a deep passion and commitment to improved experiences, outcomes and costs in both health care and education. The Nexus Fair simultaneously offers a variety of experiences, providing lively, fast-paced interactions that participants can customize to meet their needs. This is not your typical exhibitor experience - it is networking with a purpose!

Nexus Fair Objectives:

  • Provide a dynamic interactive venue for organizations, initiatives and individuals from different sectors in interprofessional education and collaborative practice to meet each other and learn together
  • Share work, policy issues, and trends that impacts your IPE efforts
  • Make new connections that will feed your interest in and commitment to developing and supporting your Nexus upon returning home
Poster Sessions

The Nexus Summit poster session is a new experience in 2017, offering an opportunity for individuals or organizations to present data, outcomes, and evidence resulting from interprofessional practice and education initiatives. The National Center will provide easel stands for accepted 2x3 feet boards for presentation. Poster presentations will be 45-minute sessions during the Nexus Fair on August 22, 2017. Presenters are expected to be with their poster during their assigned time to interact with attendees and answer questions. Poster submissions from students are welcomed and encouraged.