Amina in the Nexus

National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education's picture
Submitted by National Center... on Aug 24, 2015 - 3:54pm CDT

Amina in the Nexus shares the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education’s vision for health care delivery in the United States. Through Amina’s story, individuals see the potential of the Nexus to align health care redesign and interprofessional education to achieve the Triple Aim of improving the patient experience of care, improving the health of populations and reducing the per capita cost of health care. The video and supporting resources are teaching tools with applicability for a variety of audiences, including health professionals, health system and higher education leaders, faculty, students and community members. 

The National Center is pleased to offer you – our partners – this collection of free, online resources about Amina to help you share the idea of IPECP more broadly. Please let us know if you have feedback on these items or suggestions for additional content. Our goal is to make the Amina in the Nexus resources useful and flexible enough to adapt to your needs.


About the Resources
  • Getting Started - A two-page reference document that outlines suggested audiences and short messages about the National Center, our work and the Nexus concept.
  • Amina in the Nexus videos - Amina’s story is available in three web-based formats:
    • Captioned video with music soundtrack – at just over five minutes, this YouTube-hosted video is useful for large groups
    • Narrated video -  also hosted on YouTube, it includes the same content as the captioned video, but without on-screen text
    • Interactive – a self-paced, educational module that can support IPE curriculum 
  • Resource and Facilitation Guide – a 17-page document that offers an in-depth description of Amina’s story, key concepts, supporting resources, presentation recommendations and discussion topics.
  • PowerPoints – With a version for IPECP-informed and non-IPECP audiences, the presentations help frame Amina’s story with background information that introduces audiences to the vision and focus of Amina’s story. It also includes a customized slide with the Amina in the Nexus video link embedded. Note:  The embedded link only works in "presentation" mode. Click on the video icon in the top right corner of the Amina image slide to launch the video.
  • Evaluation Survey - After using the Amina in the Nexus resources, please complete this brief evaluation form. Your feedback will help inform future initiatives


About Amina

Amina's story started as a case example of the Nexus in a commissioned Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation paper for the conference, "Transforming Patient Care: Aligning Interprofessional Education with Clinical Practice Redesign," in January 2013. Her story was later adapted for a Journal of Interprofessional Care article by Drs. Mark Earnest and Barbara Brandt.

Click here to listen as Drs. Earnest and Brandt discuss the inspiration for Amina, share the challenges in bringing her story to life and outline how it can be used as an entry point to IPE for audiences around the world.



Exploring the Nexus

Amina has been shared in a variety of practice and education settings, leading to inspired dialogue about the potential of the Nexus. A list of resources about the Nexus starts on page six of the Resource and Facilitation Guide. These - and more than 1,000 other IPE resources - are available in the National Center Resource Center.