Assessment and Evaluation

Advancing Assessment and Evaluation

This is your gateway to finding measurement tools that can be used to assess individual learners, groups, teams, practice environments, and organizations; and to evaluate the impact of interprofessional education programs and collaborative practice on Triple Aim Outcomes. 

NOTICE: The Measurement Instrument Collection is currently under Review.
See this page for details and the call for Applications for the Measurement Instrument Collection Review Committee.

Showing 1 - 10 of 50

Interprofessional Professionalism Assessment (IPA)

The Interprofessional Professionalism Assessment (IPA) instrument was designed to measure interprofessional professionalism (IPP), which is defined as the “Consistent demonstration of core values evidenced by professionals working together, aspiring to, and wisely applying principles of altruism and caring, excellence, ethics, respect, communication, and accountability to achieve optimal health and wellness in individuals and communities.” The IPA was created over a 9-year period through...
Frost J.S., Hammer D.P., Nunez L.M., Adams J.L., Chesluk B., Grus C. Harrison N., McGuinn K., Mortensen L., Nishimoto J.H., Palatta A., Richmond M., Ross E.J., Tegzes, J., Ruffin A.L. & Bentley J.P.

Tools from the Medical Outcomes Trust (MOT)

Measuring the impact of IPECP on patient health and well-being is a primary goal of many IPECP efforts.  The Medical Outcomes Trust (MOT) is a non-profit organization that has collected a number of highly respected instruments that may be of use for IPECP evaluation studies.  All of the instruments in the MOT library have significant evidence of validity and have been widely adapted for many years.  They are generally licensed for a fee, which may include data collection, analysis, and...
Medical Outcomes Trust

A Validity Study of the Safety Attitudes Survey

This large, national study examines the validity of the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ) in predicting risk-adjusted morbidity and mortality outcomes for hospital patients on general/vascular services.  The SAQ (Sexton JB, et al., 2006) is a well-known, psychometrically sound survey that has been used internationally for many years.  It contains 30 items grouped into six scales measuring (1) teamwork climate, (2) safety climate, (3) working conditions, (4) job satisfaction, (5) recognition...
Davenport, D.L., Henderson, W.G., Mosca, C.L., Khuri, S.F., Mentzer, R.M. Jr. & Participants in the Working Conditions of Surgery Residents and Quality of Care Study.

Interprofessional Socialization and Valuing Scale (ISVS-21)

The ISVS-21 represents a refinement of a previous tool (ISVS-24, King et al., 2010); both are self-report instruments designed to measure interprofessional socialization among students and health practitioners and their readiness to function in interprofessional teams.  Items were developed to capture respondent beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors at baseline and at post-intervention time periods.  The original ISVS has been used in multiple studies.  The purpose of the study reported here was to...
King, G.
Orchard, C.
Khalili, H.
Avery, L.

Students Perceptions of Interprofessional Clinical Education Revised (SPICE-R)

The SPICE-R is a short (10-item) self-report survey designed to measure health professions students' perceptions of interprofessional education and interprofessional collaborative practice.  It represents a variation of an earlier instrument (SPICE-1), which was developed specifically for medical and pharmacy students. Items reflect a 3-factor model capturing interprofessional teamwork and team-based practice; roles and responsibilities for collaborative practice; and patient outcomes from...
Dominquez, D.G.
Fike, D.S.
MacLaughlin, E. J.
Zorek, J.A.

Performance Assessment Communication and Teamwork Tools Set (PACT)

The PACT Tool set was designed by faculty and staff at the University of Washington (Center for Health Sciences, Interprofessional Education, Research, and Practice), as part of a Macy and Hearst Foundations grant to develop a simulation-based team training program for pre-licensure health professions students.  To develop the program, the authors chose the "Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety" (TeamSTEPPS®) model as a guiding framework.  The PACT...
Chiu, C.
Brock, D.
Abu-Rish, E.
Vorvick, L.
Wilson, S.
Hammer, D.
Schaad, D.
Blondon, K.
Zierler, B.

Uniform Data System

The Uniform Data System (UDS) is a core set of data used by government agencies to review the operation and performance of federally supported health centers. The UDS tracks a variety of information, including patient demographics, services provided, staffing, clinical indicators, utilization rates, costs, and revenues. The UDS is a reporting requirement for grantees of the primary care programs funded by the Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) and the Bureau of Primary Care (BPHC...
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

The Short-Form (SF-36) Health Survey

The SF-36 is a multi-purpose survey designed to capture adult patients' perceptions of their own health and well-being.  Based on a much longer survey developed in the 1980's by Ware, J.E., the SF-36 has 36 items grouped in 8 dimensions: physical functoning, physicial and emotional limitations, social functioning, bodily pain, general and mental health.  It is a generic measure, as opposed to one that targets a specific age, disease, or treatment group.  It can be administered in a...
Brazier, J.E.
Harper, N.M.
Jones, A.
O'Cathain, K.J.
Thomas, T.
Usherwood, T.
Westlake, L.

Interdisciplinary Team Process and Performance Survey (ITPPS)

The ITPPS was designed to assess interdisciplinary team process and performance in long-term care settings, particularly those of the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE). Specifically, the tool measures team processes (i.e., leadership, communication, coordination, and conflict management) and team outcomes (i.e., team cohesion and perceived unit effectiveness) in a 59-item self-report instrument. The results are meant to identify weaknesses in team processes that can be...
Temkin-Greener, H.
Gross, D.,
Kunitz, S.J.
Mukamel, D.

Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMISE)

PROMIS® is a set of patient-centered tools that can be used to evaluate the physical, mental, and social health of adults and children.  The tools can be used with the general population and individuals with chronic conditions. PROMIS instruments measure concepts such as pain, fatigue, physical function, depression, anxiety and social function. PROMIS has constructed item banks (a collection of questions measuring the same thing that can be administered in short forms or adaptively through...
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
PROMIS Health Organization
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